


Joe talks us through a day in the life of an Enterprise Officer in the Generator team.

joe blomfield

What’s your name and what is your role?

My name is Joe Blomfield and I am an Enterprise Officer within the Generator! I am also then the Vice-Chair for the LGBT+ Staff Community.

What does your role involve?

The Generator as a whole supports students and graduates who are interested in developing their own business, or developing entrepreneurial skills. One of the beautiful things about my role, is that I get to work across all of the initiatives that are run in the team, so it means that every day can be very different. I can be delivering a workshop for our #GreHacks programme one day, to planning events, to mentoring students for the Enterprise Challenge.

One of the main things I do is our events logistics, which I absolutely love! I did my degree in events, so I really love being able to sit down and plan events, especially when its big ones such as the Enterprise Challenge Finals or the EEUK Conference we did last year.

I also get involved with engaging and building different entrepreneurial ecosystems, such as advising our Enactus team, and coordinating our Start Up Visa Scheme.

How have you found it so far working at GBS?

I’ve found it to be fantastic! I started in the team on my placement year, then jobshopped in my final year at university, and then started full time, so I must love it as I haven’t left yet. One of the things I really like is the cross faculty collaboration that I have been able to get involved in, so working with either BOS or MGM for their events and stuff. Its really fun

What’s the most exciting part of your job?

I actually really love working with students when they are developing their business ideas. For me, I love hearing how creatively people think and how they see the world and how they come up with solutions. I find it really inspiring.

I also love it when I get asked to host stuff, as I really enjoy sort of performing! Hosting the staff awards was really exciting.

What’s your most-used productivity hack? (or any other hack)

I am very much a to-do list type of person. I usually have like 5 different to do lists on the go at any time. I also then put the to-do lists in to my calendar so that I literally cant escape them. I think for me, it just means I can track what tasks I need to do and putting them into my outlook calendar can be really useful around planning my time and tasks around meetings.

Do you have any hidden talents or hobbies?

I'm a very open book so I don’t really have many hidden talents as I tend to yell a lot about how talented I am (very talented obvious). And hobby wise, I am a huge Marvel Nerd and spend a shocking amount of time watching MCU movies/TV Shows or reading about them. I also still occasionally perform as a drag cabaret artist which is pretty fun!

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

So I have a very specific memory as a kid when I was around 7/8 that I said I wanted to work behind the Deli Counter at Morrisons because I really liked their sausage rolls and it would mean I would be able to eat unlimited amounts of them.

If you could have any three people over for dinner, past and present, who would you invite?

So I would have Sarah Millican, Alison Hammond and Kim Woodburn because I just think they are all hilarious and it would be a really funny and chaotic dinner!

Current staff

Faculty of Business