
Report published on devolution and employment standards


Professor Sian More and Visiting Professor Sonia McKay have published a report examining devolution within the UK and employment standards.

Devolution refers to the act of decentralising power within the UK, principally within Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and more recently to London and English regions. The range of powers devolved in England is often more limited than in Scotland and Wales, and complex arrangements exist between the central and devolved administrations regarding employment standards and collective bargaining.

This report examines the relationship between devolution and effective trade union strategies in relation to securing improvements in employment standard. The report suggests that there is no one model to deliver improvements in regional employment standards. Each of the case studies reflects local labour market legacies, the nature and embeddedness of trade unions, political will, and resources. They are suggestive of what can be achieved with trade union engagement and influence, but also reveals their limitations.

The research draws upon interviews with key stakeholders and four case studies focusing on the devolved governments of Scotland and Wales and devolved powers in the administrations of North of Tyne, Greater Manchester, and London. An additional case study was conducted of Leicester with the aim of focusing on the input of a local authority to improve employment standards, where there was no additional devolved power. There are also references to actions taken by London local councils. The intention was to demonstrate that while devolution brings some advantages to local communities, in terms of the powers that the devolved authorities have, those communities that are not contained within devolution areas can still look at new ways to improve employment standards, through working with local mayors, employers and trade unions.

Click here to read the full report.

Devolution and Employment Standards

This research aims to generate insight into how devolution in GB has affected the realisation of improved employment standards and identify key opportunities/constraints to furthering employment standards and decent work through devolved authorities