
Our decision to opt-out of using Turnitin’s AI detection tool


At present, we will not be implementing Turnitin’s AI detection tool as the possibility of affecting student outcomes is unknown.

This is a decision made in collaboration with many other UK institutions supported by sector bodies such as UCISA and Jisc.

We would never adopt new technology without testing it first, particularly when it has the possibility of affecting student outcomes.

AI detection is currently an unproven tool, so we are unable to assess the accuracy of its detection, including the likelihood of it generating false positives.

At present, we will not be implementing Turnitin’s AI detection tool as the possibility of affecting student outcomes is unknown. We will be keeping a close eye on the roll out, impact and effectiveness of the tool across the sector with an open mind about reviewing this decision.

If you have any questions about using AI or Chat GPT, please contact the Academic and Learning Enhancement Team.

Current staff