The University's Student Protection Plan for 2021/22 has been approved by the Governing Body and the OfS. Our Student Protection plan has been updated to reflect how it will protect student's continuity of study during the pandemic. The Plan is tailored to the University's specific circumstances and is based on an assessment of the extent of the risks to the continuation of study for our students. It will be reviewed each year by the Governing Body.
The plan sets out, in a general way, the measures which the university has in place to mitigate the risks to students' continuity of study which we think may be reasonably likely to crystallise. These risks include closure of a collaborative partnership; changes to supervision arrangements for PhD students; relocation of a programme; closure of a programme; and changes to a programme.
The Student Protection Plan is linked to the University's Charging and Refund Policy for students and the guidance for staff on programme and module changes.