
Supporting our students with Wellbeing Checks


The Wellbeing and Retention Project, led by the GSU and Student Wellbeing team, has recently been shortlisted for the Heist Awards. This project contacted over 19,000 students to check in on their wellbeing.

Student experience at the university is really important to us and we hope that our students have a great time at Greenwich. Providing enhanced student experience and support is one of the key components of delivering our university strategic priority of Student Success.

The Greenwich Students' Union (GSU), in partnership with the university, introduced wellbeing check-ins so that students would have someone to talk to and tell them how they are doing.

Telling students about all the support available, and being that person that talks to people for a check-in feels amazing.

Student Ambassador

The Wellbeing and Retention Project

The GSU was commissioned by the university to run a Wellbeing and Retention project throughout Term 1. The GSU usually run annual Wellbeing Checks, which were moved online due to Covid restrictions. Initially, the project was aimed at first year students; the project was then expanded to call every student at the university and continued into Term 2.

I wish we, students, frequently received these check-in calls. I think this is a great way to get real feedback from students on their experience, wellbeing, concerns and so on. Thanks to the Ambassador that called me - she was very nice and helpful.

Student receiving a Wellbeing Check

The GSU recruited and trained a team of 55 student ambassadors to call all students, asking a series of questions about their experience at the university, their access to university services, and how they are feeling about continuing their course.

The student ambassadors worked remotely to contact all 19,892 undergraduate and postgraduate students at Greenwich, completing Wellbeing Checks with 7735 students. Any follow-up issues raised by students were passed on to the relevant university staff and/or services to provide extra help and support.

Speaking with a few international students and reassuring them about the process of settling in made me feel good, and really eased their anxiousness about being in a foreign country. It's definitely harder for them this year than it was for me when I first came, as they are not able to interact with others as much, but I did my best to support them.

Student Ambassador

We are really proud that this project has been shortlisted for the Heist Awards as the Best Student Engagement Campaign or Initiative. Congratulations to the Student Wellbeing Team, Greenwich Students’ Union and the team of student ambassadors for the work you’ve done in supporting our students’ wellbeing.

I am so happy to be studying at the university – I have lived in the area for 12 years and feel like once I finish my degree, I will be able to work in Greenwich and finally give back to the community as well.

Student receiving a Wellbeing Check

Current staff; Current students
