
Celebrating diversity, challenging dominating discourse, and representing marginalised voices: University of Greenwich researcher launches new book on gender in tourism


A new book of research on gender in tourism, edited by the University of Greenwich researcher Dr Wenjie Cai, Dr Magdalena Petronella (Nellie) Swart, Associate Professor in Tourism at the University of South Africa, Dr Elaine Chiao Ling Yang, Senior Lecturer at the University of Griffith, and Dr Albert Nsom Kimbu, Head of Department of Tourism and Transport, University of Surrey.

Titled ‘Routledge Handbook on Gender in Tourism: Views on Teaching, Research and Praxis’, the handbook aims to provide a holistic picture, covering both wider macro issues such as the impact of Covid-19 on tourism development and policy and smaller micro perspectives such as individual experiences related to gender in tourism.

It addresses a variety of topics such as education, entrepreneurship, employment, mobility, research, sustainability, tourism development, and sexuality, with intersectionality as a threading theme throughout the book. As a handbook, it offers practical guides and ‘takeaway points’ to contribute to the current conversations on gender in tourism.

Book poster

When conceptualising the book, the editors aimed for an intellectual platform for critical and alternative voices, particularly of those from the Global South and historically overlooked regions. To achieve this several mentorships and developmental initiatives were introduced to support emerging scholars in developing regions on how to refine their academic writing and publication skills to craft quality chapters according to international publication standards. This resulted in sixteen chapters, written by thirty-seven mostly non-native English-speaking authors from sixteen countries.

The concluding chapter features dialogues with eight well-regarded tourism gender scholars, including the Director of Equality in Tourism at the University of Westminster, Dr Stroma Cole and Lecturer of Marketing at the University of Birmingham, Dr Heather Jeffrey on their visions and advice for advancing gender equality in tourism. Guided by the collective knowledge of the authors and tourism gender experts, the handbook highlights three directions for continuing gender work in tourism. More practical guides and recommendations can be found in each individual chapter.

The foreword by Professor of Social Sustainability at the University of Surrey, Nigel Morgan says:

‘This handbook brings together a collection of insightful research that explores the role and importance of a range of these gender issues in tourism studies. It showcases the work of scholars from diverse disciplines, regions, and perspectives, offering a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the subject matter.’

The Routledge Handbook on Gender in Tourism is available to order here.

Please sign up and join the virtual book launch on 2nd May 2024, here.

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