
Introduce your business and meet students

Whether you’re introducing new roles and programmes to students and graduates or establishing your brand on campus, get involved in our programme of flagship and introductory events for students.

Career Fairs and Pop-Ups

What is a Career Fair?

A Careers Fair brings employers and students together under one roof. These events allow you to meet and network a large pool of students in a short space of time, discuss any vacancies you may have and exchange information. We welcome employers from all industries and sectors based locally, nationally or internationally.

What is a Pop-Up?

Pop-Ups are stands that offer you the chance to spotlight your company and attract students throughout the year! We welcome employers from all industries and sectors based locally, nationally or internationally.

What are the benefits?

  1. Expand your talent pool: Careers fairs attract a diverse group of job seekers, including recent graduates, entry-level candidates, and experienced professionals. This provides you with the opportunity to connect with a wide range of candidates with varying skill sets and experience levels.
  2. Build your brand: Participating in a career fair allows you to build brand awareness and increase visibility for your organisation. By showcasing your products and services, you can attract potential customers and establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry.
  3. Reduce hiring costs: Careers fairs can be a cost-effective way to recruit new talent. Compared to other recruitment methods, such as job board postings or advertising, career fairs can provide a higher return on investment by allowing you to connect with a large number of potential candidates in a single location. We do not charge for careers fairs.
  4. Gain valuable feedback: Careers fairs also provide an opportunity to gain feedback on your organisation's hiring practices and brand perception. By talking to job seekers, you can gain valuable insights into what they are looking for in an employer and how you can improve your recruitment strategies.

Contact Us

We are dedicated to understanding your specific recruitment and development needs, so please get in touch with us to discuss how your organisation might best partner with us to enhance your recruitment strategy.

Contact us at

The Autumn Career Fair was an excellent day. I was impressed by the organisation, the amount of people who attended, a very positive experience.

- Kent Connects