
Big Picture Seminar - Mehmet Ugur

17th Mar 2021 5pm

This activity takes place online


Mehmet Ugur - Does intellectual property rights protection spur innovation, technology diffusion or economic growth?

Learn about Mehmet Ugur:Mehmet Ugur

Since joining the University of Greenwich in 1990, Professor Mehmet Ugur has been involved in research, teaching and curriculum development at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He has acted as research coordinator, programme coordinator.

Professor Ugur has led research projects funded by the European Commission, the Department for International Development (DFID), and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).

Currently, he is Deputy Director of Greenwich Political Economy Research Centre (GPERC) and the Institute of Political Economy, Governance, Finance and Accountability (PEGFA) at the University of Greenwich Business Faculty.

About the lecture:

The effect of intellectual property protection (IPRP) on innovation, technology diffusion, productivity or growth is a contentious issue that has divided opinions for a long time.

To establish where the balance of the evidence lies and identify the sources of heterogeneity in the evidence base, we conduct a state-of-the-art evidence synthesis, using 1,620 effect-size estimates from 92 primary studies.

We find that the IPRP’s effects on innovation, technology diffusion, productivity, and economic growth are statistically or practically insignificant.  The findings lend verifiable support to IPRP pessimism in narrative academic reviews and indicate that the unqualified claims about the economic benefits of IPRP encountered in the advocacy literature are misleading.

Join us on the 17th March 2021 @ 5pm!