Course modules

Module information for Psychology, MSc (Conversion Degree) [Year 1]

Psychopathology and Clinical Psychology

Module summary

Module code: PSYC1120
Level: 6
Credits: 15
School: Education, Health and Human Sci
Department: Human Sciences
Module Coordinator(s): Pascal Michael



The main aim of the module is to extend the student’s knowledge and understanding of historical background, concepts and theories in the study of mental health and clinical psychology. A second aim is to develop the student’s understanding of the relevance of these historical factors, concepts and theories to applied situations and organizational contexts. A third is to extend the student’s ability to critically evaluate the range of methodological approaches used in the study of mental illness and psychopathology

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this course a student will be able to:

1 Understand the historical context of the study of psychopathology, clinical psychology and mental health.
2 Analyse the different contemporary approaches and theories that relate to understanding of mental disorder.
3 Critically evaluate the role of heredity and environment in shaping mental health, mental health conditions and neurodevelopmental conditions.
4 Understand how theories and methods covered within the module can inform therapeutic techniques such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and develop an understanding of the organizations and career paths that use them.

Indicative content

This module focuses on current theory and cutting-edge research in the field of psychopathology and mental health. We will explore the role of biological, psychological, and developmental factors implicated in the development of mental health conditions and we will evaluate the evidence for and against different treatment modalities including medication and psychotherapies. We will also cover important topics like the lived experience of mental health conditions and how stigma can negatively impact wellbeing. This module will also help to develop your critical thinking skills as we examine the evidence base behind certain psychotherapies and discuss common problems in psychological assessment. Examples of conditions covered are anxiety disorders, developmental disorders, schizophrenia, eating disorders, dementia and neurodegenerative disorders and personality disorders.


Essay + CV: 100% weighting, 40% pass mark.
Learning Outcomes: 1 - 4.
Outline Details: Complete one essay from a choice of three titles, covering psychopathology topics. In addition, submit a tailored CV for a mental health job that includes a personal statement.
Word Length: Essay 2000 words, CV 500 words.

Formatiive Assessment: Interactive quizzes, case studies and discussions during lectures and seminars.