
Historic past meets musical future in Greenwich


St alfegeSt Alfege Church in Greenwich hosted a local record label specialising in experimental and improvised music last Wednesday (20 February).

The church, designed by Nicholas Hawksmoor and consecrated in 1718, was a unique setting for the programme of field recordings, noise and drone music from the University of Greenwich's Loudspeaker Orchestra and Linear Obsessional.

The three-hour concert featured live performances ranging from Welsh glitch/dub artists Me, Claudius to multi-channel field recordings made in the middle East by Fari B and Chris Weaver, with a wide range of other experimental artists also taking part.

Speaking about the event, Dr Andrew Hill, Lecturer in Sound Design and Music Technology at the University of Greenwich, said:

"We're always looking for new and unique ways to bring what we at the Loudspeaker Orchestra do to a wider audience and it was exciting to partner with Linear Obsessional on this project.

"The public may be more used to hearing the sound of a choir or an organ emanating from their local church, so we hope we pleasantly surprised those in attendance with the range of music on offer.

"This diverse programme helps to introduce a new dimension to the concert offer at a church with an important musical heritage."

As well as this concert, the University also hosts regular events through its Loudspeaker Orchestra Series, more details of which can be found here.

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