Key details

Dr Dawn Reilly
Associate Professor of Accounting, Head of School of Management and Marketing
Dawn is the Head of the School of Management and Marketing. She is Associate Professor of Accounting Education and a Senior Fellow of Advance HE. Dawn obtained her MA in Physics from Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford. From there, she went on to join the audit practice of Deloitte Haskins + Sells and was placed in the ICAEW's order of merit when she sat her final professional exams. In addition to being an audit manager at Deloitte, Dawn also worked in the Deloitte mixed tax department and passed the tax practitioner exams. Since then, Dawn has worked in the audit, technical and tax departments of other city firms of accountants (Spicer & Oppenheim and Mazars), most recently as a corporate tax manager. Before coming to the University of Greenwich, Dawn taught on courses leading to professional accounting qualifications.
Responsibilities within the university
Dawn is the Head of School of Management and Marketing. She also leads the Advanced Financial Accounting module on the undergraduate Accounting and Finance degree.
- Faculty Star Award FBUS - Student Led Teaching Awards 2019 Winner
- Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) - since 2018
- Post-Graduate Certificate in Higher Education (PGCHE)
- ICAEW's order of merit
Research / Scholarly interests
Dawn's PhD is in her subject area of financial accounting.
Dawn's current research interests are mainly in the area of Business Education including how to close attainment gaps, formative feedback and employability support within the curriculum.
Recent publications
Quan, Lianfeng and , Reilly, Dawn (2024), Mastering the transition: induction activities for Chinese students to facilitate adaption to the UK learning environment. Educational Development Unit, University of Greenwich. In: , , , . Educational Development Unit, University of Greenwich, Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching, 17 (1) . pp. 24-32 ISSN: 2044-0081 (Print), (doi:
Yan, Lili and , Reilly, Dawn (2023), Building working relationships with peers: an induction activity for students. Educational Development, University of Greenwich. In: , , , . Educational Development, University of Greenwich, Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching, 16 (1) . pp. 49-56 ISSN: 2044-0081 (Print), (doi:
Reilly, Dawn and , Leopold, Katherine (2022), 'Next slide, please': developing students' digital literacy and online collaboration skillsets. Educational Development Unit, University of Greenwich. In: , , , . Educational Development Unit, University of Greenwich, Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching, 15 (1) . pp. 1-7 ISSN: 2044-0081 (Print), (doi:
Reilly, Dawn , Warren, Elizabeth, Kristandl, Gerhard, Lin, Yong (2021), An investigation into the self-efficacy of year one undergraduate students at a widening participation university. Routledge. In: , , , . Routledge, Teaching in Higher Education ISSN: 1356-2517 (Print), 1470-1294 (Online) (doi:
Farrant, Catherine , Marinciu, Raluca, Reilly, Dawn, Warren, Elizabeth (2021), Supporting students with resits to build self-efficacy. Educational Development Unit, University of Greenwich. In: , , , . Educational Development Unit, University of Greenwich, Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching, 14 (2) . pp. 1-12 ISSN: 2044-0081 (Print), (doi:
Reilly, Dawn and , Warren, Liz (2020), An inclusive model of programme enhancement. Open University - Ingenta Connect. In: , , , . Open University - Ingenta Connect, Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 22 (3) . pp. 166-172 ISSN: 1466-6529 (Print), 2045-2713 (Online) (doi:
Warren, Elizabeth , Reilly, Dawn, Herdan, Agnieszka, Lin, Yong (2020), Self-efficacy, performance and the role of blended learning. Emerald. In: , , , . Emerald, Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 13 (1) . pp. 98-111 ISSN: 1758-1184 (Print), 2050-7003 (Online) (doi:
Leopold, Katherine and , Reilly, Dawn (2020), Creating a pathway to employability in a business school: developing professional practice through collaboration. University of Greenwich. In: , , , . University of Greenwich, Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching, 13: Leopold (1) ISSN: 2044-0073 (Print), 2044-0081 (Online) (doi:
Reilly, Dawn , Luo, Jing, Sun, Wenxian, Warren, Elizabeth (2020), Extended programmes: widening participation by narrowing content. University of Greenwich. In: , , , . University of Greenwich, Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching, 13: Reilly (1) ISSN: 2044-0073 (Print), 2044-0081 (Online) (doi:
Tran, Danielle and , Reilly, Dawn (2019), Extending conversations about what is an inclusive curriculum. Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA). In: , , , . Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA), Educational Developments, 20 (4) . pp. 23-25 ISSN: 1469-3267 (Print), (doi:
Reilly, Dawn , Warren, Elizabeth, Herdan, Agnieszka (2019), Getting the blend right: listening to the wide student voice to enhance the online learning experience. In: , , , . , Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change, 5 (1) . pp. 1-8 ISSN: 2055-4990 (Print), (doi:
Reilly, Dawn and , Warren, Elizabeth (2019), Creating a supportive learning environment for direct entry Chinese students to reduce the attainment gap. Advance HE. In: , , , . Advance HE, Advance HE: News + Views (doi:
Reilly, Dawn and , (2019), Building the academic community together: the benefits of being a mentor. Advance HE. In: , , , . Advance HE, Advance HE News + Views (doi: NB Item availability restricted.
Reilly, Dawn , Sun, Wenxian, Vellam, Iwona, Warren, Elizabeth (2019), Improving the attainment gap of Direct Entry Chinese students - lessons learnt and recommendations. University of Greenwich. In: , , , . University of Greenwich, Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching, 12 (1) ISSN: 2044-0081 (Print), (doi:
Book section
Reilly, Dawn and , Warren, Elizabeth (2022), Developing teaching expertise through peer support. Routledge - Taylor & Francis eBooks. In: , , In: Helen King (ed.), Developing Expertise for Teaching in Higher Education: Practical Ideas for Professional Learning and Development. Routledge - Taylor & Francis eBooks, Oxon and New York (1st) . pp. 1-12 . ISBN: 9781032057002 ; 9781003198772 ; 9781032056999 (doi:
Reilly, Dawn and , (2021), A phased implementation of the TRAAC model in an accounting module. Bloomsbury. In: , , In: D. Tran (ed.), Decolonizing University Teaching and Learning. Bloomsbury, London (1st) . pp. 135-162 . ISBN: 1350160016 ; 9781350160019 ; 9781350160040 ; 9781350160026 (doi:
Warren, Elizabeth , Brickman, Karen, Reilly, Dawn (2020), Strategies to reduce the black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) attainment gap in Business Education. Open University Press. In: , , In: Peter Wolstencroft, Leanne de Main, Paul Cashian (eds.), Achieving Teaching Excellence: Developing Your TEF Profile and Beyond. Open University Press, London . pp. 75-77 . ISBN: 9780335249299 (doi: ) NB Item availability restricted.
Reilly, Dawn and , (2020), Formative feedback through conversations: “Now we’re talking!”. Advance HE. In: , , In: Patrick Baughan (ed.), On Your Marks: Learner-focused Feedback Practices and Feedback Literacy. Advance HE, On Your Marks: Learner-focused Feedback Practices and Feedback Literacy . pp. 72-79 . ISBN: 9781916359321 (doi: ).
Conference item
Reilly, Dawn and , Brickman, Karen (2023), An investigation into students’ engagement with employability support. In: 2023 SRHE International Research Conference: Higher Education Research, Practice, and Policy: Connections & Complexities, 6th -8th December 2023, Aston University, Birmingham , . , . pp. 1-2 (doi:
Reilly, Dawn and , Leopold, Katherine (2022), Collaboration between academic staff and employability specialists: a practical approach to enhancing student success. In: Advance HE Teaching and Learning Conference 2022: Teaching in the spotlight: Where next for enhancing student success?, 05-07 July 2022, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK , . , (doi: NB Item availability restricted.
Reilly, Dawn and , Leopold, Katherine (2021), Putting the team in Microsoft Teams: virtual teaching of practical skills. In: Chartered Association of Business Schools: Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Conference 2021, 29-30 June 2021, London and online , . , (doi:
Reilly, Dawn and , Warren, Elizabeth (2020), Mentoring new teaching-only colleagues to develop teaching expertise. In: Exploring Expertise in Teaching in Higher Education, 16-23 October 2020, University of the West of England, Bristol , . , (doi:
Reilly, Dawn and , (2019), Formative feedback through conversations: “Now we’re talking!”. In: Advance HE Assessment Symposium 2019 'On your marks: Re-evaluating feedback and marking practices', 24 Oct 2019, York, UK , . , (doi: ).
Reilly, Dawn and , Leopold, Katherine (2019), Using collaboration to create pathways to success for all students. In: Bloomsbury Institute’s Teaching and Learning Conference, Bridging the Inclusivity Gap, 9 July 2019, London , . , (doi: ).
Reilly, Dawn and , Leopold, Katherine (2019), Developing professional practice through collaboration and dialogic formative feedback. UCL, LSE, University of Greenwich. In: The changing roles of educators in higher and further education: the shape of teaching today, APT 2019, 01 July 2019, University College London, London , The Changing Roles of Educators in Higher Education: the shape of teaching today, APT conference 2019, programme and proceedings. UCL, LSE, University of Greenwich, (17th Academic Practice and Technology Conference (APT2019) Co-hosted by London School of Economics & Political Science, University College London and the University of Greenwich 17th Academic Practice and Technology Conference (APT2019) Co-hosted by London School of Economics & Political Science, University College London and the University of Greenwich Academic Practice and Technology conference 2019, co-hosted by UCL, LSE and University of Greenwich) (doi: ).
Conference proceedings
Warren, Elizabeth and , Reilly, Dawn (2019), An investigation of self-efficacy: can it help us to understand and improve the retention and progression of our students in the era of TEF?. SRHE. In: SRHE Annual Research Conference 2019 'Creativity, Criticality and Conformity in Higher Education', 11th - 13th December 2019, Newport, South Wales , 'Creativity, Criticality and Conformity in Higher Education' SRHE Annual Research Conference, 11-13 December 2019, UK. SRHE, (doi:
Warren, Elizabeth and , Reilly, Dawn (2019), Addressing the attainment gap: business schools can lead the way by providing an inclusive approach to the student experience. Chartered Association of Business Schools. In: , , , . Chartered Association of Business Schools, Chartered Association of Business Schools, blog (doi:
Reilly, Dawn and , (2019), “Let’s talk”: the value of dialogic feedback. Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA). In: , , , . Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA), online (doi:
Leopold, Katherine and , Reilly, Dawn (2022), Using unfamiliar learning activities to encourage creativity. Chartered Association of Business Schools (CABS). In: , , , . Chartered Association of Business Schools (CABS), (doi: