Stoyan Stoyanov

Professor Stoyan Stoyanov BSc, MSc, PhD

Reader in Computational Engineering and Optimisation

Professor Stoyan Stoyanov is Reader in Computational Engineering and Head of the Computational Mechanics and Reliability Group (CMRG) at the School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences. He received his MSc degree in applied mathematics from Sofia University and obtained a PhD degree in computational engineering at the University of Greenwich in 2004. He holds NVQ Level 4 in Management from the Chartered Management Institute (2008) and became a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) in 2017.

Stoyan’s research interests and expertise are in the development and application of modelling and simulation technologies for numerical analysis of the performance and thermo-mechanical reliability of electronic products and microsystems, computational mechanics, physics-of-failure modelling, manufacturing and assembly process simulation, prognostics modelling, design optimisation, and computational intelligence.

Over the past 20 years, he worked on research and knowledge exchange projects with a focus on microelectronics design and advanced electronics packaging, electronics manufacturing, component assembly optimisation, quality and reliability assessment of electronics deployed in high-reliability and power applications, and industrial data analytics. Stoyan has collaborated with many national and international academic and industrial partners such as Leonardo Electronics, Microchip Technology, Hanwha-Phasor and Rolls Royce.

Posts Held Previously

  • 2007-2010, Senior Research Fellow, University of Greenwich
  • 2004-2007, Research Associate (KTP),  University of Greenwich
  • 2002-2004, Research Fellow, University of Greenwich


Selected Awards

  • IEEE Electronics Packaging Society “Achievement Certificate” (2021)
  • Best paper awards at international conferences
    • IEEE EuroSIME conference, Malta (2022)
    • IEEE ITHERM conference, USA (2020)
    • IEEE EMPC conference, Italy (2019)
    • Fraunhofer Direct Digital Manufacturing Conference, Germany (2016)
  • Winner of the National Times Higher Education Award for Outstanding Engineering Research Team of the Year (2009)
  • Knowledge Transfer Collaboration award, London Development Agency (2008)
  • The University of Greenwich 2008 Early Career Research Excellence Award
  • Best Partnership Award for KTP, Technology Strategy Board (Innovate UK) (2008)
  • IEEE CPMT (EPS) society certificate for significant contribution to the organisation of the 2nd IEEE ESTC conference (2008)


  • Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
  • Member of IEEE Electronics Packaging Society (EPS)
  • Member of the Steering Committee of the IEEE International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology (ISSE)
  • Member of the technical committees of IEEE International conferences: ESTC, ISSE, EMPC and EuroSIME
  • Invited Lecturer on Erasmus-Mundus MSc in Smart System Integration at Heriot-Watt University (Edinburgh), HSN University College of Southeast Norway and Budapest University of Technology and Economics in Hungary (BME)
  • Reviewer for the IEEE Trans. CPMT, MDPI Energies, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing (Elsevier), IEEE-EPS conferences, and others.

Research / Scholarly interests

Main Research Areas

  • Computational Engineering
    • Virtual prototyping: development & application of computational models for numerical analysis and prediction of the performance of manufacturing processes, materials, and engineering products
    • Finite element analysis and physics-of-failure modelling; Reliability engineering
    • Numerical optimisation, Prognostics and Health Management (PHM)
  • Computational Intelligence and Data Analytics
    • Predictive analytics and machine learning, Deep Learning, and Data-driven modelling.

Current and New Research Projects

  • VP-PEM: Real-time Virtual Prototypes for the Power Electronics Supply Chain Modules
    • Co-I (UoG PI), EPSRC (EP/W006642/1), 07/23-06/26
    • Partners: University of Nottingham (lead) and four industrial partners.
  • MIRELAI: Microelectronics Reliability driven by Artificial Intelligence (EU Horizon-MSCA-DN)
    • UoG PI, Work-package Lead and Lead Supervisor of the UoG Doctorate Project
      Funded through UKRI (EPSRC, EP/X030148/1), 10/22-09/26
    • Partners: 21 organisations (TU-Delft, IMEC, Bosch, Siemens, etc.) from 7 European countries.
  • DAAP-PEM: Closed Loop Digitalised Data Analytics and Analysis Platform for Power Modules
    • PI & Project Lead, EPSRC (EP/W006642/1), 04/22-09/24
    • Partners: University of York and University of Liverpool, and Dynex Semiconductors.
  • PHASOR: Model-based Assessment of the Thermal Fatigue Performance of ASIC Variants
    • PI, Hanwha-Phasor (industry) funding.

Past Projects

  • Going Global India - Exploratory Grant
    • Co-I, British Council funding (IND/CONT/G/21-22/35), 2022
    • Partners: Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur and Jadavpur University, India
  • AI-enabled Modelling of Layered Composites
    • PI, UoG internal funding (Proof-of-Concept), 2020-2021
  • Multi-scale micromechanics modelling of SAC305 solders:
    • UoG Co-I, EPSRC funding (EP/R019207), 2018-2021
    • Partners: Imperial College London, Ford Motor Co, Nihon Superior, Rolls-Royce Plc (UK)
  • Reliability Prediction Analysis for Solder Joint integrity
    • Co-PI, GDAIS & DMEA (USA) and Leonardo-UK (industry) funding (HQ727-16-D-0003), 2013-2018
  • THEIA (Technically high element alignment for Focal Plane Arrays):
    • UoG Co-I, Innovate-UK funding (84066-518163), 2017-2018
    • Partners: Microchip Technology and Amethyst Research
  • Next Factory (3D Printing of Electronics)
    • UoG Co-I, FP7 EU funding (ID 608985), 2014-2017
    • Partners: IPA Fraunhofer, Uni Technologies, Microsemi, Acreo, and others
  • Technology Assessment on the Effects of Refinishing Lead-Free Microelectronic Components
    • Co-I, DMEA (Department of Defence, USA) funding (H94003-04-D-003-0056), 2010-2014
    • Partners: Selex ES, Rolls Royce, Airbus Defence and Space, Micross Components

PhD Student Supervision

Research topics of supervised PhD programmes include:

  • Microelectronics reliability driven by AI
  • Model order reduction for reliability predictions of electronic components
  • Predicting Degradation of Lithium-Ion Battery with Physics-Informed Machine Learning
  • Computational Data Analysis and Prognostics for Smart Testing of Electronic Products
  • Mathematical Modelling and Condition Based Monitoring of 3D Inkjet Printing Process
  • Diagnostic and Prognostic Tools for Monitoring Degradation in Aged Structures

Selected Consultancy Projects

  • Modelling the impact of embedding Cu coin into PCB on component reliability, funded by Leonardo, UK (2019)
  • FEA of BGA package, funded by Tessera, USA (2015)
  • Solder Interconnection Reliability Study, funded by GE Aviation, UK (2015)
  • Printed Circuit Board Analysis of CBGA, funded by Cassidian Electronics, Germany (2013)


Lecturer on UoG MSc programmes (2006-2018)

  • MSc Applicable Mathematics, CMS, 2012-2018, Module MATH-1130, Reliability and Optimisation
  • MSc Applied Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing, CMS, 2006-2012, Module MATH-1081, Reliability and Risk Analysis in Design

Recent publications


Stoyanov, Stoyan , Sulthana, Razia, Tilford, Tim, Zhang, Xiaotian , Hu, Yihua , Yang, Xingyu , Shen, Yaochun , Wang, Yangang , Dynex Semiconductor Ltd. (2025), Modelling the fatigue damage in power components using machine learning technology. Elsevier. In: , , , . Elsevier, Power Electronic Devices and Components, 10: 100079 2772-3704 (Online) (doi:

Yang, Xingyu , Zhang, Zijian, Li, Xinhua, Lin, Hungyen , Lawman, Samuel , Stoyanov, Stoyan , Tilford, Timothy , Hu, Yihua , Shen, Yaochun , Zheng, Yalin (2024), High-speed low-cost line-field spectral-domain optical coherence tomography for industrial applications. Elsevier. In: , , , . Elsevier, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 184: 108631 (PART 1) ISSN: 0143-8166 (Print), 1873-0302 (Online) (doi:

Rawal, Aditi , Mason, Peter, Stoyanov, Stoyan, Bailey, Chris , Huber, Jurgen (2024), A prognostic and health management approach using colour fade to determine the condition of silk in a museum display environment. Taylor and Francis Group - Routledge. In: , , , . Taylor and Francis Group - Routledge, Journal of the Institute of Conservation . pp. 1-20 ISSN: 1945-5224 (Print), 1945-5232 (Online) (doi:

Xian, Jingwei , Xu, Yilun, Stoyanov, Stoyan, Coyle, Richard , Dunne, Fionn P. E. , Gourlay, Christopher (2024), The role of microstructure in the thermal fatigue of solder joints. Nature Publishing Group. In: , , , . Nature Publishing Group, Nature Communications, 15: 4258 . pp. 1-15 ISSN: 2041-1723 (Print), (doi:

Abdul Kareem, Razia Sulthana , Tilford, Timothy, Stoyanov, Stoyan (2024), Fine-grained food image classification and recipe extraction using a customised Deep Neural Network and NLP. Elsevier. In: , , , . Elsevier, Computers in Biology and Medicine ISSN: 0010-4825 (Print), 1879-0534 (Online) (doi:

Hassan, Sheikh , Rajaguru, Pushparajah, Stoyanov, Stoyan, Bailey, Chris , Tilford, Timothy (2024), Coupled thermal-mechanical analysis of power electronic modules with finite element method and parametric model order reduction. Elsevier. In: , , , . Elsevier, Power Electronic Devices and Components: 100063 2772-3704 (Online) (doi:

Zhang, Xiaotian , Hu, Yihua, Zhang, Jingwei, Esfahani, Mohammad Nasr , Tilford, Tim , Stoyanov, Stoyan (2024), IGBT module DPT efficiency enhancement via multimodal fusion networks and graph convolution networks. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). In: , , , . Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics ISSN: 0278-0046 (Print), 1557-9948 (Online) (doi:

Rajaguru, Pushpa , Tilford, Tim, Bailey, Chris, Stoyanov, Stoyan (2023), Damage mechanics-based failure prediction of wirebond in power electronic module. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). In: , , , . Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), IEEE Access ISSN: 2169-3536 (Print), (doi:

Roy, Probir Kumar , Shahjalal, Mohammad, Shams, Tamanna, Fly, Ashley , Stoyanov, Stoyan , Ahsan, Mominul , Haider, Julfikar (2023), A critical review on battery aging and state estimation technologies of lithium-ion batteries: prospects and issues. MDPI. In: , , , . MDPI, Electronics, 12: 4105 (19) . pp. 1-30 2079-9292 (Online) (doi:

Stoyanov, Stoyan , Bailey, Chris, Microchip Technology Inc., Amethyst Research (2023), Modeling Insights into the assembly challenges of focal plane arrays. IEEE. In: , , , . IEEE, IEEE Access . pp. 35207-35219 2169-3536 (Online) (doi:

Xu, Yilun , Xian, Jingwei, Stoyanov, Stoyan, Bailey, Christopher , Coyle, Richard , Gourlay, Christopher , Dunne, Fionn , Nokia Bell Labs, Murray Hill, New Jersey, USA (2022), A multi-scale approach to microstructure-sensitive thermal fatigue in solder joints. Elsevier. In: , , , . Elsevier, International Journal of Plasticity, 155: 103308 ISSN: 0749-6419 (Print), (doi:

Tilford, Tim , Stoyanov, Stoyan, Braun, Jessica, Janhsen, Jan Christoph , Patel, Mayur K. , Bailey, Chris (2021), Comparative reliability of inkjet-printed electronics packaging. IEEE. In: , , , . IEEE, IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 11 (2) . pp. 351-362 ISSN: 2156-3950 (Print), 2156-3985 (Online) (doi:

Stoyanov, Stoyan , Bailey, Christopher, Stewart, Paul, Parker, Mike , Roulston, John F. , Leonardo MW Ltd , Micross Components (2020), Experimental and modelling study on delamination risks for refinished electronic packages under hot solder dip loads. IEEE. In: , , , . IEEE, IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 10 (3) . pp. 502-515 ISSN: 2156-3950 (Print), 2156-3985 (Online) (doi:

Ahsan, M. , Stoyanov, S., Bailey, C., Albarbar, A. (2020), Developing computational intelligence for smart qualification testing of electronic products. IEEE. In: , , , . IEEE, IEEE Access, 8 . pp. 16922-16933 2169-3536 (Online) (doi:

Hinojosa Herrera, Ana Elsa , Stoyanov, Stoyan, Bailey, Christopher, Walshaw, Christopher , Yin, Chunyan (2019), Data analytics to reduce stop-on-fail test in electronics manufacturing. De Gruyter Open. In: , , , . De Gruyter Open, Open Computer Sciences, 9 (1) . pp. 200-211 2299-1093 (Online) (doi:

Yin, Chunyan , Stoyanov, Stoyan, Bailey, Christopher, Stewart, Paul (2019), Thermo-mechanical analysis of conformally coated QFNs for high reliability applications. IEEE. In: , , , . IEEE, IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 9 (11) . pp. 2210-2218 ISSN: 2156-3950 (Print), 2156-3985 (Online) (doi:

Stoyanov, Stoyan , Ahsan, Mominul, Bailey, Chris, Wotherspoon, Tracy , Hunt, Craig , Microchip Technology Inc. (2019), Predictive analytics methodology for smart qualification testing of electronic components. Springer US. In: , , , . Springer US, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 30 (3) . pp. 1497-1514 ISSN: 0956-5515 (Print), 1572-8145 (Online) (doi:

Tilford, Tim , Stoyanov, Stoyan, Braun, Jessica, Janhsen, Jan Cristophe , Burgard, Matthias , Birch, Richard , Bailey, Chris , Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA, Nobelstr. 12, Stuttgart, Germany , Microsemi Corporation, Castlegate Business Park, Caldicot, Monmouthshire, UK (2018), Design, manufacture and test for reliable 3D printed electronics packaging. Elsevier Ltd.. In: , , , . Elsevier Ltd., Microelectronics Reliability, 85 . pp. 109-117 ISSN: 0026-2714 (Print), (doi:


Bailey, Christopher , Stoyanov, Stoyan, Lu, Hua (2017), Co-design And Modelling For Advanced Integration And Packaging: Manufacturing And Reliability. World Scientific Publishing. In: , , , Co-Design and Modelling for Advanced Integration and Packaging. World Scientific Publishing, . ISBN: 9789814740203ISSN: 2315-473X (Print), (doi:

Conference proceedings

Hassan, Sheikh , Stoyanov, Stoyan, Rajaguru, Pushparajah, Bailey, Christopher (2024), Reduced-order modelling for coupled thermal-mechanical analysis and reliability assessment of power electronic modules with nonlinear material behaviours. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). In: 2024 IEEE 10th Electronics System-Integration Technology Conference (ESTC), 11th - 13th September, Berlin, Germany In: ESTC/IEEE 2024 Conference Committee (ed.), 2024 IEEE 10th Electronics System-Integration Technology Conference (ESTC). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Berlin, Germany; Piscataway, New Jersey (1st) . pp. 1-8 . ISBN: 9798350390360ISSN: 2687-9700 (Print), 2687-9727 (Online) (doi:

Stoyanov, Stoyan , Tilford, Tim, Shen, Yaochun, Hu, Yihua (2024), Reliability meta-modelling of power components. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). In: , , , 2024 47th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology (ISSE). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), New Jersey, USA . pp. 1-7 . ISBN: 9798350385489ISSN: 2161-2536 (Print), 2161-2528 (Online) (doi:

Stoyanov, Stoyan , Tilford, Timothy, Zhang, Xiaotian, Hu, Yihua , Yang, Xingyu , Shen, Yaochun (2024), Physics-informed Machine Learning for predicting fatigue damage of wire bonds in power electronic modules. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). In: , , In: EuroSimE 2024 Conference committee (ed.), 2024 25th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Piscataway, New Jersey (1st) . pp. 1-8 . ISBN: 9798350393644ISSN: 2833-8596 (Print), 2833-8553 (Online) (doi:

Hassan, Sheikh , Rajaguru, Pushparajah, Stoyanov, Stoyan, Bailey, Christopher (2024), Thermal-mechanical analysis of a power module with parametric model order reduction. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). In: , , In: EMPC Conference Committee (ed.), 24th European Microelectronics and Packaging Conference & Exhibition (EMPC). 11-14 September 2023. Cambridge, United Kingdom. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Piscataway, New Jersey (1st) . pp. 1-6 . ISBN: 9780956808691; 9781665487368 (doi:

Hassan, Sheikh , Rajaguru, Pushparajah, Stoyanov, Stoyan, Bailey, Christopher (2023), Parametrising temperature dependent properties in thermal-mechanical analysis of power electronics modules using parametric Model Order Reduction. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE. In: 2023 46th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology (ISSE), , In: ISSE International Spring Seminar on Electronics (ed.), 2023 46th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology (ISSE). 10th - 14th May 2023. Timisoara, Romania. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE, Piscataway, NJ (1st) . pp. 1-7 . ISBN: 9798350334845; 9798350334852ISSN: 2161-2528 (Print), 2161-2536 (Online) (doi:

Stoyanov, Stoyan and , Bailey, Chris (2022), Deep learning modelling for composite properties of PCB conductive layers. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). In: , , , 2022 23rd International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Piscataway, New Jersey (1st) . pp. 1-7 . ISBN: 9781665458375 (doi:

Stoyanov, Stoyan , Stewart†, Paul, Bailey, Christopher (2021), Reliability optimisation and lifetime modelling of micro-BGA assemblies in harsh environment applications. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). In: , , In: Paul Stewart (ed.), 2021 23rd European Microelectronics and Packaging Conference & Exhibition (EMPC). 13-16 Sept. 2021. Gothenburg, Sweden. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Piscataway, New Jersey (1st) . pp. 1-8 . ISBN: 9780956808677 ; 9781665423687 (doi:

Stoyanov, Stoyan , Bailey, Christopher, Waite, Rhys, Hicks, Christopher , Golding, Terry , Microchip Technology Inc (Microsemi) , Amethyst Research Inc (2020), Packaging challenges and reliability performance of compound semiconductor focal plane arrays. IEEE. In: , , , 2019 22nd European Microelectronics and Packaging Conference & Exhibition (EMPC). IEEE, . pp. 1-8 . ISBN: 9780956808660 (doi:

Hinojosa Herrera, Ana Elsa and , Stoyanov, Stoyan (2019), Data driven predictive model to compact a production stop-on-fail test set for an electronic device. IEEE Xplore. In: , , , Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Computing, Electronics & Communications Engineering (iCCECE). IEEE Xplore, . pp. 59-64 . ISBN: 9781538649046 (doi:

Ahsan, Mominul , Stoyanov, Stoyan, Bailey, Christopher (2018), Data driven prognostics for failure of power semiconductor packages. IEEE Xplore. In: , , , Proceedings of 41st Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology (ISSE). IEEE Xplore, . pp. 1-6 . ISBN: 9781538657300 2161-2536 (Online) (doi:

Stoyanov, Stoyan , Ahsan, Mominuil, Bailey, Chris (2018), Data analytics approach for optimal qualification testing of electronic components. IEEE Xplore. In: , , , Proceedings EuroSimE 2018. IEEE Xplore, . pp. 1-9 . ISBN: 9781538623589 (doi:

Yin, Chunyan , Stoyanov, Stoyan, Bailey, Christopher, Stewart, Paul (2017), Modelling the impact of conformal coating penetration on QFN reliability. IEEE. In: , , , 2017 18th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT). IEEE, . pp. 1021-1026 . ISBN: 9781538629734 (doi:

Stoyanov, Stoyan and , Bailey, Christopher (2017), Machine learning for additive manufacturing of electronics. IEEE. In: , , , Proceedings 2017 40th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology (ISSE). IEEE, . ISBN: 9781538605837 2161-2536 (Online) (doi: