Research activities


Aquaponics Research

Taking the lead in urban and developing world food production.

Integrating urban agriculture within buildings and on roof tops is a key development for providing healthy, local produce for urban citizens. Our state of the art building hosts 14 green roof gardens and the first building-integrated aquaponics laboratory in a UK university. Our aquaponics research includes: vertical aquaponics, growing Asian and other exotic vegetables, aquaponics and organic certification, and soil-based aquaponics.

Listen to Dr Benz Kotzen on BBC Science in Action.

Worldwide access to the latest Aquaponics information

The worldwide interest in aquaponics is phenomenal and the INTENT research group is at the forefront of aquaponics research and publication.

The Springer publication Aquaponics Food Production Systems was written as a final output of the COST EU Aquaponics Hub project, chaired by Benz Kotzen and managed by Sarah Milliken.

This open access publication has been downloaded 870,000 times. This is in addition to the numerous open access videos and papers generated by the COST Action.

Aqu@teach provides the first aquaponics curriculum to be developed specifically for university students

Sarah Milliken and Benz Kotzen were part of an EU funded project to provide blended learning / online aquaponics teaching for undergraduate students. All parts of the programme are open access and this will allow anyone from around the world to benefit from this significant work. DOI 10.3390/horticulturae7020018.