
School of Design End-of-Year Show 2022


A highlight in the university calendar, 2022’s exhibition of student work did not disappoint

Person looking at a sample of work, a portfolio, at one of the uiveristy's design showsVisitors to summer 2022's School of Design End-of-Year show were treated to an impressive display of the talent of the School’s students. Featuring a wide variety of work in a range of mediums - from print to screen, both AR and VR work, and conceptual explorations too – students’ work was on display to the public in the University’s Stockwell Street Building’s exhibition spaces (for a glimpse of some of the show, click here).

Run annually, this always-anticipated exhibition showcases the great work of the School’s final year undergraduate, and some masters’, students from a range of disciplines - Architecture, Landscape Architecture & Urbanism, Graphic Design & Animation, Media and Film & Television.

The show launched with a private opening night for students, staff and key members of relevant industries and offered students the chance to network with figures of influence in their respective fields. .

On the success of the 2022 show, Professor Anastasios Maragiannis, Head of the School of Design, comments, “Our students’ work forges new lines of inquiry and develops innovative concepts with the potential to improve how we live as individuals, as societies, and as one planet. In these challenging times, this year’s degree show embraces broad targets aimed at social inclusion and those who are the most vulnerable. It has never been more critical for our students to recognise creative practices for their positive impact on a multidisciplinary society and the 2022 show responds to this just perfectly.”

While the 2022 show has now ended, planning for next year’s show starts later this year. We can’t wait to see what 2023’s exhibitors are working on.

To find out about the School’s range of Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Design and Media courses, click here.


UPDATE: May 2023 - If you're looking to find out about the 2023 Show, click here!

Note: Image above is from a previous year's show

Applicants; Current staff; Current students; General public; Prospective students

Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences