
Congratulating #GreGrads


A celebration of our July Awards Ceremonies, including a selection of your photos tagged #GreGrads

Congratulations to all of our graduands receiving their awards this month, and a warm welcome to our newest alumni.

You can see the most recent photos and tweets from the celebrations at Greenwich campus and at Rochester Cathedral.

Some highlights from the Faculty of Engineering & Science awards ceremonies

Some highlights from the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Sciences awards ceremonies

In these ceremonies we celebrated Honorary Awards for Baroness Patience Wheatcroft, Dr Nira Chamberlain, former University Chancellor Baroness Patricia Scotland and Stephen Mear.

Some highlights from the Faculty of Business awards ceremonies

In these ceremonies we celebrated Honorary Awards for Martin Riley, Sir Leigh Lewis and Dr Tariq Abbasi MBE and later at the Chancellor's Dinner we announced the recipients of our university awards.  Congratulations to Chloe Roebuck, Colin Allen and Mete Coban.

At the first of our ceremonies on Monday 15 July the title of Chancellor was conferred onto the Rt. Hon The Lord Boateng of Aykem and Wembley.