
A video explaining our No Detriment policy and Extenuating Circumstances


Our new video explains how our No Detriment approach protects you with two safety nets so that you are awarded the best possible mark that you can achieve.

We've developed our No Detriment policy alongside the Greenwich Students' Union (GSU) to ensure your results aren't adversely affected by the pandemic.

Our approach will mean you are awarded the best possible grade you can achieve for assessments completed in this academic year.

It puts in place two 'safety nets'. The first takes into account, where possible, the average marks for each assessment on your modules by students in previous years, and means we can make adjustments to ensure your marks are comparable and you are not disadvantaged.

Some PSRBs may not permit us to apply this approach and students on those programmes will be notified by their faculty.

The GSU answer some of your questions about No Detriment in their Exams, Assessments and No Detriment videos.

Extenuating Circumstances

The second safety net in our No Detriment approach focuses on making adjustments for your individual circumstances, and we have maintained the relaxed evidence requirements for Extenuating Circumstances.

The Extenuating Circumstances Policy and Procedure allows you to inform your faculty of circumstances which may have affected your performance in an assessment or exam.

You can find out more about Extenuating Circumstances and how to make a claim on our web page. The GSU have also created a Q&A video playlist answering your questions about Extenuating Circumstances.

If you have any queries about our No Detriment approach, please contact your programme leader in the first instance.

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