The University of Greenwich's student policies aim to provide you with a safe and supportive environment in which to study and undergo your student life. They set out your responsibilities as a student, both academic and non-academic, and set out our responsibilities to you.
It is important that as a student, you know that these student policies exist and their relevance to you as a University of Greenwich student. When you complete your online registration with us, you agree that you have read, understood and accept them.
Regulations and policies governing the academic experience also apply to Partner College students. Generally colleges have their own rules and policies governing the wider student experience.
All regulations and policies for your programme can be found below.

Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught Programmes
These regulations, policies and procedures include those affecting both your academic experience and wider university life.

Postgraduate Research Programmes
These regulations, policies and procedures include those affecting both your academic experience and wider university life.

Student Terms & Conditions
The Students' Charter sets of the rights and responsibilities of members of the University of Greenwich community.