Research & Enterprise Training Institute

Research community

Maintaining a vibrant research community gives our researchers an invaluable platform to pool ideas, share experiences and collaborate.

Building a research environment

RETI aims to build capacity and collaboration within the researcher population. It will bring together colleagues to build your networks and encourage a more extended vista of our activities, breaking down the barriers that researchers often meet.

The Research & Enterprise Training Institute will work with all researcher groups through targeted interventions. RETI has a particular focus on the postgraduate research (PGR) and early career researcher (ECR) communities.

Established frameworks

The university endeavours to consolidate its position as a nucleus for next generation researchers. This aspiration is informed by our embracing of researcher development frameworks, including vitae, and HR Excellence.

Research support and Enterprise services

Colleagues from the Research Support and Enterprise Services teams will help you grow your research activities and derive greater impact from their output.