
Find out what being a Student Ambassador is really like


Now in his third year at Greenwich, Oktay Asanov is a Student Ambassador, this is his story. Over to you, Oktay...


I needed a job that was flexible and offered transferable skills

Whilst in my second year studying Business Studies at the university, I had a job waiting tables for minimum wage. Whilst this helped me support myself, it wasn't developing the skills I needed to succeed after university and didn't have the right flexibility to leave time for my studies.

Finding a job that did offer these things was a challenge, until a friend of mine suggested I apply to become a Student Ambassador. The Student Ambassador scheme not only meant I had a form of employment that gave me flexibility and good pay, it also meant I had valuable transferable skills, a massive bonus in a graduate market so firmly focused on existing experience.

One of the best parts of the scheme for me has been taking on so many different jobs and proving to myself that I'm capable of so much. My advice? Go for it!

Applying for the scheme is easy

The application can be found on the Student JobShop and consists of an online form and questionnaire. I found giving as many examples as possible that prove your abilities was a useful way to approach the questions asked.

The assessment centre is the next stage and is an opportunity to make an impression and present your best qualities face to face. Whilst this is part of the application process, it's also a chance to meet future hiring managers, which I found really opened doors to future opportunities, too.

The opportunities are almost endless

One day I was part of a 50 person Open Day team with hundreds of guests, the next I was giving a presentation to school students by myself. There are also opportunities to become a green ambassador, work at Education fairs, community projects, mentoring programmes… the list goes on.

The range of work might seem intimidating, but there's such a sense of community amongst the ambassadors that it isn't overwhelming. We're a diverse community of both young and mature students and I've been able to make friends with students from every department at the university. Without the Student Ambassador Scheme, I wouldn't have had the chance.

Applications to be a student ambassador are open until 5 October
For further information please contact

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