
8 tips for managing exam stress, and where to find more self-help resources


Exam time can be stressful and it's important to look after your mental health. Take a look at these practical tips to help manage your wellbeing during the exam period and practice some of the relaxation techniques.

  1. It's never too late to make a revision plan or timetable, and doing so will help you prioritise and feel more in control. Please be realistic!
  2. Make sure you have regular breaks, and do take them. Make breaks longer as the day goes on. Remember that most people can only concentrate fully for about 45 minutes at a time.
  3. Don't try to revise for too long in one day, especially as exams draw nearer, and try to avoid revising late at night. Work on your most difficult subjects during your 'peak' periods, for some this is usually between 10am and 12 noon, and between 3pm and 4.30pm.
  4. Try to get enough sleep – tiredness promotes anxiety. Spend some time unwinding before you go to bed.
  5. Similarly, pay attention to your diet and take regular exercise.
    Avoid caffeine, as in large doses this can cause tension and anxiety. Remember caffeine occurs in tea, cola drinks and chocolate as well as coffee. Drink plenty of water.
  6. Make sure you spend some time relaxing and having fun.
    Consider revising with friends – splitting the responsibility for obtaining photocopies and revision notes can save a lot of time.
  7. Avoid people who are obviously panicking. It can be contagious! Also try not to have post mortems on each exam, as this can also increase your anxiety about later papers. Aim instead for a constructive appraisal of how best to use your time.
  8. Finally, try to master some quick relaxation exercises. They can reduce your overall anxiety level and help you cope with any panicky feelings.

You can find more self-help resources in our Wellbeing Hub, or get in touch with Student Wellbeing Services.