Health & Safety

University Biological Safety Adviser

The University Biological Safety Adviser is appointed by the University Secretary and is responsible for advising the Vice-Chancellor and the University Secretary on matters of biological safety, including genetic modification. The University Biological Safety Adviser gives an annual report to the University Health & Safety Committee.

The University Biological Safety adviser is responsible for:-

  1. Obtaining or providing professional advice to the University on matters of biological health and safety, including genetic modification.
  2. Liaising with the Health and Safety Unit, Health & Safety Managers and other Faculty/Office safety staff, as appropriate, and with members of the University Health and Safety Committee over the implementation of the University Health and Safety Policy as it relates to biological health and safety.
  3. Co-operating with specialists inside and outside the University on biological health and safety matters.
  4. Advising officers in charge of the design and construction of new buildings and the modification of existing buildings on matters affecting biological health and safety.
  5. Co-operating with the University Occupational Health & Wellbeing Service in the provision of occupational health surveillance and monitoring where necessary.
  6. Advising on: 
    • waste disposal
    • design of biological work areas
    • preparation of schemes of work and local rules
    • training of staff and students in biological safety
    • control of substances hazardous to health regulations
    • acquisition of any required licences or authorisations
    • maintenance of, in consultation with the University Occupational Health & Wellbeing Service, a list of workers under the Genetically Modified Organisms (Contained Use) Regulations and any other relevant statutory provisions.
  7. Keeping staff conscious of the problems of biological health and safety and their responsibilities for the health and safety of those who work or study under or with them.
  8. Undertaking or assisting with periodic inspections and audits of University premises where a biological health and safety input is required.
  9. Investigating any microbiological emergency or accident, instigating any remedial action and co-operating with officers responsible for insurance and related matters.
  10. Liaising with the various relevant inspectorates and co-ordinating their visits and inspections.
  11. Representing the interests of the University at meetings of bodies whose activities may influence health and safety at the University.

September 2014

Last reviewed May 2018