The below linked codes of practice and guidance documents set out the arrangements in place to achieve the objectives described in our health and safety policy.
The below documents describe the practical arrangements we have in place, to achieve the aims described in our health and safety policy. They are drawn up in consultation with relevant Faculties / Directorates, taking into account legal requirements, industry standards and Higher Education sector good practice, and are approved by the University Health, Safety, Sustainability and Wellbeing Board (HSSWB). They are reviewed at least annually, as part of the review of the Policy, and as necessitated by changes to legislation and best practice or identified shortcomings.
University Codes are topic specific and include detailed responsibilities and arrangements expected for the health and safety management of that topic. Faculties and Directorates are expected to draw on these University Codes when carrying out risk assessments of their activities and drawing up local codes of practice setting out their detailed day to day arrangements for the work.
- Accident/Incident Reporting and Investigation
- Asbestos
- Auditing
- Biological Safety
- Children (including young persons)
- Consultation with employees and students
- Consultation with Trades Unions
- Contractors working on University premises - appointment and control
- Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
- Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
- Electrical Safety
- Events Management
- Fire
- First Aid at Work
- Genetically Modified Materials
- Hazardous Waste
- Health & Safety Arrangements
- Health (personal health and public health)
- Hot Work
- Inductions (see Training and Information)
- Laser Safety
- Legionella
- Lone Working
- Manual Handling
- New & Expectant Mothers at Work
- Noise - Control at Work
- Off-Campus Activities (including Fieldwork and Overseas Travel)
- Personal Protective Equipment at Work
- Placement of Students
- Radiation (Ionising and non-ionising)
- Risk Management & Assessments
- Smoking
- Stress
- Sun Protection
- Temperature
- Training and Information (including induction)
- Unattended Running of Apparatus & High Impact Processes
- Work at Height
- Workplace Inspections