Health & Safety

Laser Safety Supervisors

Laser Safety Supervisors are appointed by their Head of Faculty/Directorate/Unit to carry out the following functions:

  1. Reporting all lasers of class 3R and above, and users of lasers of Class 3R and above , to the University Laser Safety Advisor, using appropriate registration forms.
  2. Assisting in risk assessment and drawing up of written procedures for use of all laser systems in their Faculty/Directorate/Unit.
  3. Liaising with their Head of Faculty/Directorate/Unit and University Laser Safety Advisor, to arrange training in the safe use of lasers, for all registered laser users.
  4. Ensuring that information and precautions identified by the risk assessment, are available to laser users.
  5. Conducting an annual survey of their laser systems of Class 3R and above and reporting results to their Head of Faculty/Directorate/Unit.