Health & Safety

Radiation Protection Supervisors

  1. Be familiar with the relevant statutory provisions (e.g. The Environmental Permitting Regulations and The Ionising Radiations Regulations), the University's Health and Safety Policy and the Faculty local rules regarding radiation protection so far as these matters affect their role as Radiation Protection Supervisor within the Faculty.
  2. Provide advice to members of the Faculty on matters of radiation protection and, in particular, advising the Radiation Protection Officer on the formulation, implementation and revision of local rules relating to radiation safety and monitoring.
  3. Liaise as appropriate, with the Health & Safety Local Officer (HSLO), University Health & Safety Unit, Radiation Protection Officer and the University Radiation Protection Advisor.
  4. Attend (ex officio) meetings of the Faculty Health & Safety Committee or Consultative Group when required.
  5. Conduct or coordinate systematic inspections and accident investigations (with the HSLO, Radiation Protection Officer and Safety Representatives of the recognised Trade Unions having employees working in the Faculty), to identify unsafe working conditions or work practices, which may lead to excessive exposure to ionising or non-ionising radiation, and monitoring that preventative action is taken.
  6. Ensure that accidents and 'near misses' involving radiation are reported through the Accident Management System and investigated.
  7. Disseminate radiation protection information and reports to appropriate members of Faculty staff and students.
  8. Ensure that appropriate new staff and students of the Faculty receive adequate information, instruction and training with respect to radiation protection matters on induction and at three yearly intervals and that this training is recorded.
  9. Identify members of the Faculty who need to: 
    • attend appropriate radiation protection training events
    • undergo occupational health medical surveillance
    • liaise with other internal or external health and safety/radiation safety appointed persons
  10. Within their Faculty monitor that: 
    • adequate precautions are in place regarding any special existing or new radiation hazard
    • adequate precautions are taken regarding any changes to be made
    • staff and students are suitably informed, instructed and trained
    • adequate radiation protection records are being maintained where appropriate, i.e. as required by relevant statutory provisions or by the University Health and Safety Policy or Faculty local rules
    • safe working practices and procedures, together with any necessary risk assessments for project work (especially for postgraduate students), are complied with
    • personal protective equipment needs are assessed and that sufficient suitable personal protective equipment is available and used
    • systems are set up and maintained to check that radiation protection facilities, such as monitors, personal monitoring devices, shielding, etc., are provided and maintained in a readily usable condition
    • other radiation protection aspects that legislation, the University Health and Safety Policy, or Faculty local rules  may dictate are catered for
  11. Within the designated area of responsibility, implement any requirements laid down by the current certificate permit for the keeping and use of radioactive material and for the accumulation and disposal of radioactive waste, issued under the Environmental Permitting Regulations 2010 (EPR2010) to the University Faculty and monitor conformity to these requirements.
  12. Coordinate the implementation of advice from the University Radiation Protection Advisor and University Radiation Protection Officer.
  13. Review the radiation protection procedures within their Faculty at least annually