Degree apprenticeships

Information for learners

Discover what your programme could look like and find out more about the eligibility criteria.

The Learner Journey

Expand the tabs below to read about each element in 'The Learner Journey'.

Eligibility and Compliance

Before starting your apprenticeship, you’ll need to ensure you meet the eligibility criteria for the programme, and agree the following documents:

  • Training plan – the training plan sets out the commitments to the programme from the employer, apprentice and university
  • Apprenticeships Agreement – the apprenticeship agreement confirms an apprentice’s employment arrangements
  • Skills analysis – every apprentice must complete a self-assessed skills analysis, to ensure that the programme will be beneficial to them and their employer

On Programme

Once you’re on programme, you’ll follow your timetable of learning (called ‘off the job’ training). Depending on the programme, this will be delivered using blended methods, either at the university, your place of work or online. Your programme will include:

You’ll attend regular progress reviews with your employer (usually line manager) and member of your teaching team (usual your Programme Lead or Skills Coach). These meetings are your opportunity to discuss your progression through the programme and raise any concerns you may have. These reviews can be face to face or online.

Gateway and EPA

As you’re approaching the end of your programme, we will work with you to prepare you for Gateway and End Point Assessment (EPA). Only apprentices who complete Gateway can start their EPA.

Depending on your programme, and EPA could include a practical assessment, interview, project, presentation, or tests.


Once you’ve completed your programme, you’ll be awarded your certificate and invited to attend graduation.