
Cost of living support - find out about the different ways we are supporting you


At Greenwich we are a community that supports each other - find out what we're doing to support you through the current cost of living increase.

We appreciate that the current increase in cost of living may impact you or people close to you in different ways. At Greenwich we are a community that supports each other – we are doubling the total funds available in our Hardship Funds, and in collaboration with Greenwich Students’ Union have developed a Cost of Living checklist with some useful tips as well as other initiatives to support you:

  1. Cost of Living Checklist: From learning resources to activities, transport and food – find out how you can save money whilst still making the most of your time as a student.
  2. Community Breakfasts and dinners: From 25th September 2023, we will be providing free Community Breakfasts again open to all students on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 10am -12pm on each campus. We will be offering toast, pastries, and cereal as well as tea/coffee. We will also be providing free Community Dinners open to all students on Mondays and Wednesdays between 4pm - 5pm on Greenwich and Medway campus. These meals are free, but we ask you to reserve your place by booking a ticket to manage demand. The tickets are available on a first come, first served basis - book here.
  3. Food vouchers: If you are experiencing an unexpected financial crisis and are unable to afford food, toiletries or other essential items as a result, you may be eligible to apply for a food voucher. Find out more here.
  4. Extenuating Circumstances: If you feel that the cost-of-living crisis is having an impact on you and your studies, this is now an accepted reason for an EC claim. More information on the required evidence is available here.
  5. £3 meals: University and GSU catering outlets offer a number of £3 meal deals on all campuses.
  6. University cafés distribute left over food as it is available on an ad-hoc basis, this is usually about 30 minutes before the cafés close. Feel free to approach our catering teams.
  7. Healthy and simple recipes: Top TV chef and MasterChef judge Anna Haugh has joined the University of Greenwich and partners to put together some simple, nutritious and affordable recipes.
  8. Finding a part-time job: The University employs student staff through the Student Ambassador Scheme. GSU also offers student jobs through their JobShop .
  9. Free sanitary products: In collaboration with Greenwich Students’ Union, we are providing free sanitary products in Dreadnought, The Dome, Deep End and our Library buildings.
  10. Our Libraries are going ‘Fine Free’: From 3 February we will stop charging fines for overdue books at all our libraries.
  11. Local food banks: We have collated information on local food banks near each campus that you can access.
  12. Money Advice: We offer money management and budgeting advice – find out more here.
  13. Hardship Funding: We provide hardship funding if you encounter sudden financial difficulties. If you are a UK National or EU National (with a maintenance loan), you can find more information about our Greenwich Hardship Fund here. If you are an EU National (without a maintenance loan) or an international student you can find out more about our International Hardship Fund here. Our Hardship Funds are now also available to postgraduate research students.
  14. Bursaries: We also have several bursaries to support you:
  • Accommodation Bursary: This is for new domestic/home undergraduate students with a low household income. We are committed to supporting students from a variety of backgrounds. As part of this commitment, the Accommodation bursary offers up to £700, equivalent to up to 10% accommodation fee discount to reduce the rent for your first-year accommodation.
  • Commuter Bursary: Our commuter bursaries support students from low-income households who face challenging travel costs to attend university. The bursaries are worth 50% of your monthly commuting cost between home and university up to £1,000 per academic year.
  • Digital Access Bursary: Undergraduate or Postgraduate students with low household income can apply for financial assistance of up to £300 towards equipment to support electronic learning.
  • Energy Bill Financial Support: Undergraduate or Postgraduate students with low household income can apply for financial assistance of up to £200 one off to support with energy bills this winter.

You can find a full list of our bursaries and scholarships here.

If you have any other ideas or suggestions for initiatives, contact us on

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