About the university


School Profile

Student Enrolments 2004 - 2005

 Enrolments  Total  FTE
  University Based   18,929   14,158
  Partner & Link College Based   1,738   1,261
  PCET Centre Based   1,474   635
  Non UK Based   135   57 

 Total Studying in the UK   22,276  16,111
  Students studying wholly overseas   1,625  948

Students 2004 - 2005

 Level of Study Total % of Total
  Undergraduates   16,142   72%
  Postgraduates   6,134   28%
 Mode of Study Total % of Total
  Full Time/Sandwich   13,839   62%
  Part Time   8,437   38%
 Gender Total % of Total
  Male   10,397   47%
  Female   11,879   53%
 Age Analysis Total % of Total
  Under 21   4,895   22%
  21 - 24   5,664   25%
  25 - 29   3,516   16%
  30 - 39   4,299   19%
  Over 39   3,887   17%
  Unknown   15   0%
 Ethnicity Total % of Total
  Asian Other   813   4%
  Bangladeshi   698   3%
  Black African   3,116   14%
  Black Caribbean   947   4%
  Black Other   319   1%
  Chinese   1,034   5%
  Indian   1,596   7%
  Mixed   582   3%
  Pakistani   575   3%
  White   10,938   49%
  Other   395   2%
  Not Given   1,263   6%
 UK/EU/Overseas Total % of Total
  UK   18,096   81%
  EU   966   4%
 University Based by Campus Total % of Total
  Avery Hill   6,333   33%
  Greenwich   9,394   50%
  Medway (incl. Kings Hill)  