Exceeded your grades?

If you get better grades than expected, you might be interested in finding a course with a higher entry tariff than your existing offers.

How does it work?

On A-level results day, places on courses can become available because other applicants miss their offers or choose to swap for something else.

Clearing allows you to see what's available at a higher tariff and, if you wish, to switch to a new course.

Any conditional or unconditional offers you've accepted will still be valid if you look for options through Clearing. You'll be able to talk with our teams before making a decision.

How to apply through UCAS Clearing

  • If you have your results from previous years, you can enter Clearing as soon as it opens.
  • Alternatively, once you've received your results for this year, you can enter Clearing.
  • Many people enter Clearing on A-level results day.
  • Grades are usually released at 8am on UCAS.
  • Give us a call on 020 8331 9000 (or your priority number if you have one).
  • Submit your decision from 1pm via the UCAS website.