Learning and teaching

National Teaching Fellowship and Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence Supported Scheme

National Teaching Fellow (NTF) and Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE) recognise those who have made an excellent contribution to teaching quality. Learn how our scheme can support you in achieving these prestigious awards.

The NTF award recognises and celebrates individuals who have made an outstanding impact on student outcomes and the teaching profession. The focus being on teaching Excellence. This is separate to the categories of fellowship awarded by Advance HE and through our GOLD scheme.

The Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE) is a sister project that rewards collaborative work in higher education. The award highlights the key role of teamwork that has had significant impact on teaching and learning. We can nominate one team each year for CATE.

Award holders at Greenwich

  • Denise Miller (School of Human Sciences, FEHHS) (2024)
  • Gerhard Kristandl (School of Accounting, Finance & Economics, GBS) (2024)
  • Academic and Digital Skills Team (ILS) (2023)
  • Gemma Mansi (School of Education, FEEHS) (2023)
  • Louise Hewitt (School of Law & Criminology, FLAS) (2021)
  • Jenny Marie (Academic Development, VCO) (2018)
  • Jenny Field (School of Education, FEHHS) (2016)
  • David Evans (School of Health Sciences, FEHHS) (2014)
  • Mike Sharp (School of Engineering, FES) (2009)
  • Tony Mann (School of Computing & Mathematical Sciences, FES) (2008)

News & Updates

Our Supported Scheme

Each year we can nominate 3 candidates for NTF and 1 team for CATE from our institution to Advance HE. Selected nominees submit an application that showcases their reach, value, and impact they have had on learning and teaching. Our team, made up of colleagues from the Academic and Learning Enhancement (ALE) team, previous NTF and CATE award holders, and trained NTF and CATE assessors, are here to help you.

Through our supported scheme, those selected to be nominated will be assigned a mentor from our team. Your mentor will be able to answer questions and provide feedback on your draft applications to help you fully showcase your achievements.

Key dates

June/JulyNTF and CATE Information Sessions held
SeptemberNTF and CATE 1-2-1 Proposal Development Workshops held
OctoberProposal submission period opens
NTF and CATE 1-2-1 Proposal Development Workshops held
NovemberProposal submission period closes
Proposal Review Panel shortlists nominees
December1-2-1 meeting with assigned mentor
January1st draft deadline
February2nd draft deadline (early February)
3rd draft deadline (late February)
MarchFinal application submitted to Advance HE

Learn how you can apply to our Scheme

Find out more about our scheme by attending an Information session

Learn more about what NTF and CATE are and about how our support scheme can help you achieve in gaining one of these prestigious awards. Facilitated by our team, we will be able to answer any questions you may have.

Book onto one of our NTF and CATE information sessions via Horizon Learning here.

Discover your potential with someone from our team in our 1-2-1 workshops

If you are intending on submitting a proposal to our supported scheme, join our 1-2-1 workshop where a member of our team can help you identify evidence and experience to showcase in your proposal.

Please note, these workshops are not to be attended in place of our information sessions. Your booking may be subject to cancellation if you have not attended an information session prior to this.

Book onto a 1-2-1 proposal workshop via Horizon here

Complete an online proposal to let us know why you or your team deserve recognition

You can find a template and guide of the online form in the resources below, which you can use to make notes and drafts before completing the online version.

Complete an online proposal form here

The deadline for proposal submissions will be Monday 4th November 2024 (12pm) - Please note, we do not accept proposals via email. All must be submitted via our online form.

NTF & CATE Resources

Contact our Team

If you have any enquiries about NTF, CATE, or our supported scheme, then please contact our team by clicking the button below