STAART (formerly the *AccessAbility Project) supports students with a disability, long-term health condition, neurodivergence (autistic and dyslexic spectra), and/or mental health condition to thrive at university.

An introduction to STAART

STAART complements the academic support provided by our Wellbeing team. Disabled and dyslexic students at the University of Greenwich and in the local area (Year 11 onwards) can join up at any time. Here’s an introduction to STAART from our ambassador, Becca.

STAART Principles of Disability (SPoD)

These principles have been created by self-selected University of Greenwich (UK) disabled students, disabled graduates, and disabled staff:

  1. Disability includes physical impairments; neurodivergence (autistic and dyslexic spectra); mental health conditions; long-term health conditions; and/or potentially life-shortening illnesses.
  2. We are not embarrassed and/or ashamed of our disabilities.
  3. Some days are better than others.
  4. Sometimes it may take us longer to work or study than our non-disabled peers, although sometimes we are quicker than our non-disabled peers to achieve the same results.
  5. We are capable of great achievements.
  6. Ninety-two per cent of our disabilities are not visible.
  7. Disabled peers can be our greatest allies and successful supporters.
  8. We are disabled people, not people with disabilities. We are (mostly) disabled by the environment and attitudes rather than our bodies and brains.
  9. We are experts by experience (of our disability/disabilities).
  10. We come in different shapes, sizes, colours, faiths, and genders.

Thank you to all the disabled students, graduates and staff members who contributed to the SPoD consultation. Although the SPoD belongs to the University of Greenwich, we have attached a Creative Commons Licence to enable other organisations to adopt the principles if they choose. If you have any comments/suggestions/queries, please email:

Dr Melanie Thorley
STAART Manager

2 December 2022


STAART SPoD Welcome from Jane Harrington

Thank you to all the disabled students, graduates and staff members who contributed to the SPoD consultation.


STAART is a disability focused initiative at the University of Greenwich. It was developed in 2007 in partnership with Aimhigher. We provide impartial information and guidance to post-16 future and current disabled students. We continue to develop to meet the requirements of disabled students.

STAART Logo Explained

Several symbols of different types of symbols
    Description automatically generated with medium confidenceThe STAART (Support through *AccessAbility: Retention and Transition) initiative was developed in 2007 at the University of Greenwich in partnership with AimHigher to provide guidance and support to future and current students living with a disability, long term health condition, neurodivergence (autistic and dyslexic spectra), and/ or a mental health condition. The initiative continues to support disabled and diverse students to thrive at university.

STAART is a disabled people (led) organisation (DPLO) within the University of Greenwich. The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) states that that DPLOs must be comprised of at least 51% disabled people, STAART is comprised of 100% disabled people. This is a deliberate decision.

As disabled staff and students, we are experts by experience which acknowledges that we have personal experience of navigating university as a disabled person. This is very different to second-hand knowledge. We are able to restrict our staffing to solely disabled staff and students by utilising positive action as stated in the Equality Act 2010 .

In terms of the STAART logo, it is made up of 7 different navy-blue squares with different disabilities represented which are in white. STAART is an all-inclusive group and so the logo reflects this with the different types of disabilities; long-term health conditions; autistic and dyslexic spectra; and mental health conditions represented. The seven squares are cogs, the word dyslexia jumbled up, the infinity symbol, the hearing loop symbol, an eye with a line through it, two hands signing and an individual in a wheelchair.

  1. STAART CogsThe cogs are used to represent an individual’s mental health. The stigma of mental health is slowly fading, and more people are talking about their unseen mental health struggles. Mental health support varies across the UK, however Mind, the mental health charity are able to signpost to other organisations that might be able to assist you. Mind have also set up an online peer community which is available 24/7, Side by Side.
  1. STAART Dyslexia SymbolThe word dyslexia jumbled up shows a pictorial representation of what it can be like to have dyslexia. The dyslexia umbrella consists of dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, and dysgraphia. The British Dyslexia Association is able to give advice on life living with dyslexia. Dyslexia and the other elements should not have a negative impact on your studies.
  1. STAART Infinity SymbolThe infinity symbol is often seen with a rainbow-coloured background. The infinity symbol is an international emblem. It is used to represent the broad and varied spectrum of autism and wider neurodivergence as there is no set way to learn. The National Autistic Society raises awareness of autism, reach out to them if you are looking for advice and support.
  2. STAART Hearing Loop SymbolThe hearing loop symbol is used internationally to represent individuals who are hard of hearing/have partial hearing. It is also used to show that users with hearing aids are able to connect to the audio system in order to hear clearly what is being communicated in a particular space. The Royal National Institute for Deaf People has been supporting individuals who are D/deaf, have hearing loss or have tinnitus for over a century to ensure that the world is inclusive for those with hearing loss or absence.
  1. STAART Visual Impairment SymbolThe eye with a line through it signifies an individual has a visual impairment which can either denote partial sight or blindness.  This symbol was adopted in 1982 by the Northern European Sector of the World Health Organisation as the International Symbol of Visual Disability. The Partially Sighted Society has raised awareness for over 50 years supporting those with visual impairments to make the best use of their remaining vision. The Royal National Institute of Blind People (formerly the RNIB) is a UK charity which provides information, support, and advice to almost 2 million people in the UK who have sight loss.
  2. STAART Sign Language SymbolThe symbol of two hands is the logo for International Day of Sign Languages which is a United Nations resolution, celebrated on 23rd September since 2018. The image denotes Deaf people who use sign language as their preferred/native/home/first language. The purpose of this day is to ensure that sign languages are recognised as fully-fledged natural languages and the importance of preserving sign languages as a part of linguistic and cultural diversity. Although there is an international sign language, most sign language users in the UK use British Sign Language (BSL) or Sign Supported English (SSE).
  1. STAART Restricted Mobility SymbolThe last symbol represents individuals with restricted mobility, although not restricted to wheelchair users. This logo is a more relevant, and less patronising version of the International Symbol of Access (ISA). This image is more dynamic and less passive of the original image of a person in a wheelchair, possibly waiting for someone to give them a push. This modified ISA was created in 2013 and has been adopted by many different organisations in a whole host of countries.

Bethany Howell

LLB and STAART Graduate

LLM International and Commercial Law Student

October 2023

Peace of Mind on Campus

We have introduced this initiative at the University of Greenwich as many prospective university students are concerned about their safety and/or security on campus.

It is not just the students who have concerns, we also know that school & college staff; and parents, guardians, partners and children of prospective students also have concerns about the wellbeing of their loved ones whilst at university.

We have many different support mechanisms throughout the university and PoMoC has gathered the different aspects and put them in one place.

PoMoC is relevant for students and staff.

Buddy Benches

  • The purpose of the buddy benches is to create a safe space for students and staff who may be having a difficult time.
  • If you are having a bad day or would like a chat, take a seat and someone will hopefully join you soon.

Our buddy benches are located at:  

Avery Hill: outside the Dome  

Greenwich: outside of Dreadnought  

Medway: outside of Pembroke North

Campus Ambassadors

  • Campus Ambassadors are current students who work at the university and provide support as student ambassadors.
  • Campus Ambassadors can assist you with any queries regarding services the university has as well as guiding and directing visitors.
  • They can also provide guidance where needed and signpost students to appropriate services.
  • They can be found during term time at our Welcome Desks on each campus.

Digital Student Centre 

  • Our Digital Student Centre is your one- stop – shop for student enquiries and enhanced personalised support online.
  • Find answers to common questions, raise enquiries or request documents like student status letters through our Digital Student Centre.
  • Access to frequently asked questions and other services can be accessed 24/7.

Emergency Medical Information (EMIs):

  • EMIs are an important way for first aiders to know exactly how to help you should the need arise.
  • By listing out symptoms, medications and dosage, and instructions to a first aider, help can be provided efficiently during an emergency.
  • It is strongly advised that you always carry these on you whilst on campus.
  • EMIs can be discussed with the wellbeing team.

Employee Assistance Programme

  • The Employee Assistance Programme is delivered by the university wellbeing partner, CiC.
  • CiC provides employees and their dependents with access to a host of wellbeing services, advice, and information.
  • Some of the services include:
  • Access to 24/7 adviceline on various things including debt and family support.
  • Access to structured counselling.

Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPS) 

  • PEEPS are support plans that are put into place for students that outline reasonable adjustments needed during evacuations.
  • PEEP forms detail any mobility, sight, or hearing issues, and are sent to the fire safety team at the university.
  • PEEPS can be found on your GIP (Greenwich Inclusion Plan) detailing what you should do in an event of an emergency evacuation and what support will be given.

Resident Assistants (RAs) and security staff:

  • RAs (Current students) live on campus and are there to assist or advise when needed during 6pm – 8am weekdays and weekends.
  • All the RAs are first aided trained.
  • All security staff are also first aiders and are  trained to assist in emergency situations.
  • All campuses have 24/7 security.

Report and Support 

  • Report & Support is an online platform where students, staff and visitors can share how they have been affected by various forms of harassment.
  • The platform allows you to disclose things anonymously.
  • You can disclose things you have experienced/ witnessed and can disclose on behalf on another with permission.

SafeZone App:

  • The SafeZone app is free to download and designed to help during emergencies.
  • The app allows you to get in contact with first aiders, security and/or emergency response teams.
  • If you have a PEEP, you can ‘check in’ during evacuations, so security are aware you are waiting in one of the dedicated refuges.

Spectrum Life 

  • Spectrum Life is an online platform that provides confidential in the moment support to university students.
  • The service is available 24/7, 365 days a year and covers numerous topics such as: stress, low mood, grief, relationship issues, etc.
  • The service is free to use and provides access to counselling to help you cope.


  • STAART supports students with a disability, long term health condition, neurodivergence (autistic and dyslexic spectra), and/ or mental health condition to thrive at university.
  • The STAART Whatsapp closed group is available to students from STAART. It allows students to ask questions / support others.
  • STAART also run various trips across the academic year that allows for students to meet and get to know one another.

Student Wellbeing Services

  • Student wellbeing service supports students that share a disability, mental health condition, long term illness and/ or specific learning difficulty such as dyslexia.
  • It is very important to contact them as early as possible to make sure support is put into place.
  • Student wellbeing service can create a Greenwich Inclusion Plan (GIP) with support arrangements listed such as extra time for exams.


  • The university offers peer-to-peer support mentoring that helps first year students adjust to life at the University of Greenwich.
  • When you join the university, you are matched with current students via Vygo.
  • It is a good scheme to allow students to connect with others and have support as you transition.

STAART Ambassadors & Graduates

The University of Greenwich have employed students as student ambassadors since 2004. In 2007, the university realised that we did not have any disabled student ambassadors. As we are a university which strives to be both inclusive and reflective of our local populations, it was decided that we would have a specialist cohort of self-selected disabled ambassadors. Originally know as *AccessAbility Ambassadors, they are now STAART Ambassadors (& Graduates).

In 2007, we (myself and the widening participation team)  invited self-selected and self-identified current University of Greenwich  disabled students  to apply to become specialist ambassadors. We interviewed and appointed three disabled students. Initially, the *AccessAbility Ambassadors took part in   occasional school/college visits, provided student life presentations at our campus events, which progressed to having a desk at open days and similar events.

In the past 16 years, we have trained nearly 400 *AccessAbility/STAART ambassadors. They have been undergraduates & postgraduates; international & home students; full time & part-time students; and a variety of shapes, colours, genders, ages, personalities, etc. They are an astounding  and exceptional group of individuals. STAART Ambassadors are mostly undergraduates and STAART Graduates are students who worked as STAART Ambassadors before undertaking their postgraduate studies with us at the University of Greenwich.

STAART has continued to change and evolve over the years. We started on a very small scale, and STAART is now bigger and better than it has ever been, although our initial reason for employing specialist disabled ambassadors is fundamentally the same. STAART Ambassadors undertake both standard ambassador work and specialist STAART work. We have STAART Ambassadors who work with the outreach and recruitment teams, student engagement team, provide peer mentoring, are involved in clearing, and many other opportunities.  Our STAART Ambassadors and Graduates have a different uniform (t-shirts are currently white with blue writing) from the standard ambassadors (their t-shirts are blue with white writing).  This is to differentiate the two groups as STAART Ambassadors are involved in so many aspects of the university but they are proud to be positive role models for future disabled students. You can find a variety of blogs and articles about our STAART Ambassadors & Graduates dotted throughout the STAART webpages and wider University of Greenwich webpages.

STAART Ambassadors and Graduates

Histories of Disability Anthology

*trigger warning

July is Disability Pride Month1, a time to remember and honour the history, celebrate the achievements, and recognise the struggles of people within the disabled community.

Disability Pride Month enables everyone to celebrate what makes them unique, promoting visibility and providing a platform for mainstream awareness of disabilities; including long-term health conditions and mental health difficulties. The month is a short period in time to remind individuals who are disabled or allies that many people have overcome barriers to get to where they are today. There have been amazing individuals throughout history who have made major differences in the lives of those living with disabilities.

Disability Pride was started as a single day of celebration in 1990 in Boston, USA. The USA also passed the Americans with Disabilities Act 1990 which prohibits the discrimination of individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life, including jobs, schools, transportation, and all public and private places that are open to the general public. The UK followed suit much later commemorating and celebrating Disability Pride Month for the first time in 2017 in Brighton.

The Disability Pride flag was adopted in 2015 and redesigned in 2021 (below)2 has a number of elements, the background, the road shapes and colours.

The disability pride flag which denotes different colours for different disabilities    , graphics, line    Description automatically generated

The charcoal background – to represent those in the community who have been subjected to ableist violence, as well as representing protest in the community. The “band/road” shape – represents how disabled people face barriers and have to navigate their life according to them. The different colours in the shape represent the creativity in navigating life, and how the community is breaking free from authority. The colours – the colours represent the various experiences and needs (mental illness, developmental disability, invisible disabilities, physical disabilities, and sensory disabilities) in the disabled community.

The University of Greenwich continues to champion the work of the late, Professor Mike Oliver3 who was a pioneer in disability studies. Professor Oliver is credited with coining the social model of disability. The University of Greenwich powers on accelerating the work of Professor Oliver through the initiative of STAART, Support Through *AccessAbility - Retention and Transition which was created to support disabled and dyslexic students through their higher education journeys. The STAART Principles of Disability (SPoD) could not have been created without the foundations laid down by Mike Oliver.

Disability Pride Month 2023 saw the joining of STAART, the University of Greenwich Disabled Staff Community (DSC) and the National Association of Disabled Staff Networks (NADSN) together to create a unique exhibition: Histories of Disability: The Good, The Great, The Bad, The Ugly showcasing the experiences of disabled students, staff, and allies. The exhibition includes poignant moments in time; and figures of great importance to the disabled community and personal experiences. The exhibits have been allocated to each of the four sections in the exhibition title, with relevant emojis. There are also trigger warnings on the exhibits which maybe confronting. However, we also have joyful and celebratory exhibits. The official opening of the exhibition took  place on 14th July 2023 on the Greenwich Campus where the University of Greenwich Vice Chancellor, Professor Jane Harrington provided the official welcome.

Jane Harrington standing next to one of the exhibits

The exhibition in place in the dreadnought atrium

The exhibition itself has been created to be portable. The exhibition will be showcased on our Medway campus (ME4 4TB) through Disability History Month from 16th November to 16th December 2023. The exhibition can then go on tour to other universities. Please contact if you are interested in hosting our collective exhibition.

** We recommend the exhibits are for post-16s only due to some of the confronting content.

1 What is Disability Pride Month? | Inclusive Employers

2 Disability Pride Flag | Good Housekeeping

3 Professor Mike Oliver | Disability Power 100

Special Educational Needs and Disability Progression Partnership - SEND PP

The SEND PP is an outreach activity coordinated by the Kent & Medway Progression Federation (KMPF) which provides education and careers opportunities for SEND/disabled students in Kent and Medway schools, colleges and universities. STAART has been a very active member of this partnership since it began in 2020.

In 2023, the SEND PP published The Guide; Support available for Disabled Students at University which provides information about applying to university; support available at university; the benefits of sharing your disability/disabilities on application forms; the Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSAs); and   a collection of student journeys. The Guide has been produced in both paper and digital form. A digital copy of the Guide can be found here: The Guide: Support available for Disabled Students at University (

Melanie and three STAART Ambassadors

In addition to The Guide, SEND PP have created the following:

To order a paper copy of the Guide and further information here Contact - Kent & Medway Progression Federation (

1 in 5 podcasts

My name is Jessica  and I am a STAART Ambassador at the University of Greenwich. I am also  one of the co-hosts of a new university support podcasts One in Five. The podcasts have been created by disabled students and graduates for prospective and current disabled students. It is also a useful resource for parents, carers, supporters  and education professionals.
The podcasts are  called  One in Five to represent the fact that one in five people in the UK are disabled, and tens of thousands of disabled students attend university every year. All the content in the podcasts are based on the lived experiences of the co-hosts. During the series of six episodes, we cover a variety of topics including:
  • · How we identify with our disabilities
  • · Our journeys to and beyond diagnosis
  • · The support available at university for disabled students
  • · A guide to university events and making university decisions
  • · How disabled students can ensure they get the university experience they deserve
  • · What the future holds for disabled students accessing university - including a guest appearance from the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS)
The One in Five podcast is available on all streaming platforms. To listen on Spotify, please follow this link:
For more information about the podcast, please see:
Please consider listening and sharing the podcast with your friends, families, classmates and tutors.

What do we mean by disability?

What constitutes a disability in higher education?

    • Physical impairments
    • Neurodivergence (autistic and dyslexic spectra)
    • Mental health conditions
    • Long-term health conditions
    • Life-limiting conditions

This is why we use the term 'sharing' – it’s a much more positive term than ‘disclosure’ or ‘declaration’, which suggests there is something to be ashamed/embarrassed about.

We also emphasise the ‘living experience’ instead of the usual ‘lived experience’. This is because many of us are still facing physical and negative attitudes in our day-to-day lives.

Our equal opportunities policy

1Widening participation strategy in higher education in England (

2STAART | Support | University of Greenwich

What does D/deaf mean?

The term D/deaf is used throughout Higher Education and research to describe students who are Deaf (sign language users) and deaf (who are hard of hearing but who have English as their first language and may lipread and/or use hearing aids).

D/deaf is often used as a short cut to describe both groups who are similar but not exactly the same when it comes to communication. D/deaf is an example of how universities might use different words and terminology from those used in schools and colleges.

See tips for adapting to university.

STAART is a Disabled People (led) Organisation

STAART is a disabled people (led) organisation (DPO) within the University of Greenwich. The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)  states that that DPOs must be comprised of at least 51% disabled people, STAART is comprised of 100% disabled people1. This is a deliberate decision.

As disabled staff and students, we are experts by experience which acknowledges that we have personal experience of navigating university as a disabled person. This is very different to second-hand knowledge. We are able to restrict our staffing to solely disabled staff and students by  utilising positive action as stated in the Equality Act 20102.

1Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) | United Nations Enable

2Employers: what is positive action in the workplace? | Equality and Human Rights Commission (

STAART Workshops

STAART provides an online workshop once a month which are advertised via the STAART Facebook and LinkedIn.

The following workshops are available for *disabled post-16s considering university. The workshops can be delivered on campus, schools/colleges or virtually. All of the workshops are interactive utilising Mentimeter software and are 90 minutes long. There is also time for Q&A at each session. A bespoke report is created  each time a workshop is delivered.



Introduction to STAART What is STAART? What does STAART do and why? The benefits of joining STAART as a prospective or current university student
Introduction to the STAART Principles of Disability (SPoD) and disability inclusive language What are the STAART Principles of Disability (SPoD);  why were they created and who created them? The importance of using disability inclusive language

Preparing for University

Useful information to prepare for university and realistic expectations of university life

Introduction to (free) Learning Technology

Introduction to free learning technology which includes mindmapping, speech-to-text, text-to-speech, colour overlays and bespoke databases of vocabulary.


Academic, social and wellbeing tips for STEMM subjects in university

Know your strengths and learning style(s)

Fun quiz to determine your strengths and possibly career paths & know your learning style(s) and various strategies to match your learning style(s)

Support for Disabled & Dyslexic students at university What support is available for dyslexic and disabled learners at university, including information on the Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSAs).

Thrive not Strive at University

Academic, social and wellbeing tips to get the most out of your university experience.


Academic, social and wellbeing tips for postgraduate students

STAART ambassador Student Life

Student life presentation from two  STAART Ambassadors and/or Graduates. What is it like being a disabled university student and the work opportunities available.

Introduction to Note Taking and Note Making

An introduction to note taking and note making systems, methods and metaphors. Also introducing the NOTE template

Lifestyle for Learning

Tips for maintaining your physical and mental health to ensure you are ready for university learning.

Neurodivergence Mythbusting What is neurodivergence? Examples of neurodivergence? Why is it important for all to understand neurodivergence? Different aspects of neurodivergence.
Reference Management Software An introduction to Zotero and Mendeley referencing software. What are the benefits of using referencing software and some tips for making the most of this free software.
Imposter Syndrome and Confidence Building What is Imposter Syndrome? Why do so many people experience imposter syndrome at university? Tips and strategies to improve confidence


We run a variety of STAART events throughout the year. Our events are for anyone over 16 with an interest in the support for disabled university students. This could be prospective students, current students and school, college & university staff. Whilst some of the events are in-person, the majority of them are online and/or hybrid. We have a variety of events including attending workshops, information days, seminars, awareness raising events, STAART ART Prize Competitions, and conferences.

We choose to provide mostly online events as many of our attendees have a disability or two, and attending sessions from home is much easier, and potentially more comfortable, both psychologically and physically. Our online and hybrid events are delivered using interactive Mentimeter software which enables attendees to participate in activities and to receive a bespoke report at the end of the session.

Our future events are listed below:

How can I access support?

There are several ways to access STAART support and our community.

Social media

Follow our Facebook or Twitter accounts for news and information or to talk to us and fellow students.

About our social channels

Transition days

Attend a transition day before term starts to get a tour of the campus and library and meet our STAART Ambassadors.

Latest articles


Come and meet our ambassadors at the STAART desk at Open Days and applicant events.

Sign up for the next event

STAART Bulletins

Our bulletins contain useful information, celebrations, STAART events, University of Greenwich events, STAART ART Competitions, new technology, etc. You can request receiving the Bulletins by emailing, putting ‘request bulletin’ in the subject line.


STAART Peer Mentoring launched September 2024

The University of Greenwich has partnered with Vygo, a student mentoring platform, since 2022. Self-selected UoG students can become mentors or mentees, depending on their length of time at the university. We are delighted and excited to have a bespoke STAART Vygo cohort from September 2024. All of the mentors are STAART Ambassadors and the mentees are self-selected, self-identifying (we do not ask for medical and/or psychological evidence) disabled students who have recently joined the university.

Disability, in a higher education context includes physical disabilities; neurodivergence (dyslexic and autistic spectra); mental health conditions and long-term health conditions. There are many benefits to both mentees and mentors with peer mentoring and we will create a small case study in February 2025 to ensure the mentoring is impactful. The following three statements are from the staff involved in setting up the STAART Vygo:

Vygo's mission is to give every human a world-class education. The University of Greenwich have developed a range of Vygo programs to help all of their students stay connected and find the support they need. By introducing the STAART Program, disabled students can easily access a safe space to ask any questions they have to a trained STAART Mentor and build relationships to enhance their university experience. For some, seeking support and advice can be a challenge but by connecting with other students who they can relate to, we hope everyone feels comfortable in seeking answers to their questions and can maximise the educational opportunities available to them. - Chris Baker-Brown, Senior Partner Success Manager, Vygo.

This new programme is an exciting and impactful addition, connecting STAART students at Greenwich with supportive mentors through Mentor Mates and Vygo. It promotes independence, boosts confidence, and makes university life more accessible and enriching for disabled students or long-term health challenges. - Celso Lopez, Senior Student Engagement Officer (Projects), University of Greenwich.

I am extremely pleased and enthusiastic we will have a customised Vygo platform for our disabled students. A number of our STAART Ambassadors (who all have at least one disability themselves) have been Vygo mentors since in 2022. The STAART Vygo will complement our existing support mechanisms and hopefully enhance the experience of disabled students at the University of Greenwic. - Dr Melanie Thorley, STAART Manager, University of Greenwich.

New University of Greenwich disabled students can join here.

Find out more about Vygo here.

Useful links

The following national organisations focus on disability and/or education. Most have a variety of useful information.

Action for M.E. (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)

Action for M.E. is the UK's leading charity dedicated to improving the lives of people with M.E. It provides information and support to people affected by M.E.

  • Website:
  • Address : Action for M.E. PO Box 2778, Bristol, BS1 9DJ
  • Telephone: 0845 123 2314
  • Fax: 0117 9279552
  • Email:
  • Notes: Telephone support Monday to Friday 11am - 1pm

Arthritis Care

Empowering people with Arthritis

  • Website:
  • Address : Arthritis Care, 18 Stephenson Way, London NW1 2HD
  • Telephone: 020 7380 6500
  • Email:
  • Notes: For an information pack, contact the 24-hour information line: 0845 600 6868

ASBAH (Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus)

The leading UK registered charity providing information and advice about Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus.

  • Website:
  • Address : ASBAH, 42 Park Road, Peterborough, PE1 2UQ
  • Telephone: 0845 450 7755
  • Fax: (01733) 555985
  • Email:

British Polio Fellowship

The British Polio Fellowship seeks to empower and support all people in the UK living with the effects of polio and Post-Polio Syndrome.

  • Website:
  • Address : The British Polio Fellowship, The Xchange, Wilmington Close, Watford WD18 0FQ
  • Telephone: FREEPHONE 0800 018 0586 (Provided by MCI Worldcom)
  • Fax: 020 8842 0555
  • Email: |

Deafblind UK

Deafblind UK is a national charity offering specialist services and human support to deafblind people and those who have progressive sight and hearing loss acquired throughout their lives.

  • Website:
  • Address : Deafblind UK, National Centre for Deafblindness, John and Lucille van Geest Place, Cygnet Road, Hampton, Peterborough, PE7 8FD
  • Telephone: 01733 358 100 (Voice/Text)
  • Textphone: 01733 358 100 (Voice/Text)
  • Fax: 01733 358 356
  • Email
  • Notes    Information and Advice Line: 0800 132 320

CMT (Charcot-Marie-Tooth)

Supports those affected by Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease, also known as Hereditary Motor and Sensory Neuropathy or Peroneal Muscular Atrophy.

  • Website:
  • Address : CMT United Kingdom, PO Box 5089, Christchurch, BH23 7ZX, UK
  • Telephone: 0800 6526316
  • Email:


Understand it, treat it, beat it!

  • Website:
  • Address : Uncommon Knowledge Ltd, Queens Building, Oban, UK, PA34 5SB
  • Telephone: +44(0)1273 776770
  • Fax: +44(0)1273 774427

Depression UK

To help anyone who is troubled by depression and to provide support for their carers.

  • Website:
  • Address: Depression UK, c/o Self Help Nottingham, Ormiston House, 32-36 Pelham Street, Nottingham, NG1 2EG
  • Email:
  • Notes: We respond to enquiries by sending you a pack of information, by post, under plain cover. This site also contains external links to depression-related help bodies.

Down's Syndrome Association

Information and support for people with Down's syndrome, their families and carers, and the professionals who work with them.

  • Website:
  • Address: Down's Syndrome Association, Langdon Down Centre, 2a Langdon Park Teddington TW11 9PS
  • Telephone: 0845 230 0372
  • Fax: 0845 230 0373
  • Email:
  • Notes: The helpline is open Monday to Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Dyslexia Action

A national charity and the UK's leading provider of services and support for people with dyslexia and literacy difficulties.

  • Website:
  • Address : Park House, Wick Road, Egham, Surrey TW20 0HH
  • Telephone: 01784 222300
  • Fax: 01784 222333
  • Email:

Epilepsy Action

Taking action to meet the identified needs and aspirations of all people with epilepsy and those with an interest in the condition.

  • Website:
  • Address: New Anstey House, Gate Way Drive, Yeadon, LEEDS, LS19 7XY, UNITED KINGDOM
  • Telephone: 0808 800 5050
  • Textphone: 07797 805 390
  • Fax: 0113 391 0300
  • Email: |
  • Notes: The helpline is open from: 9am to 4.30pm Monday to Thursday and 9am to 4pm on Fridays.

LA (Limbless Association)

Providing information, advice and support to UK amputees and the limb-loss community.

  • Website:
  • Address : The Limbless Association, Queen Mary's Hospital, Roehampton Lane, London, SW15 5PN
  • Telephone: 020 8788 1777
  • Fax: 020 8788 3444
  • Email:

MENCAP (Mental Handicap)

The voice of learning disability. Everything we do is about valuing and supporting people with a learning disability and their families and carers.

  • Website:
  • Telephone: 0808 8808 1111

MNDA (Motor Neurone Disease Association)

The only national organisation in England, Wales and Northern Ireland dedicated to the support of people with MND and those who care for them.

  • Website:
  • Address: Motor Neurone Disease Association, PO Box 246, Northampton, NN1 2PR
  • Telephone: 01604 250505
  • Fax: 01604 624726/638289
  • Email:
  • Notes: MND Connect offers advice, practical and emotional support and directing to other services and agencies. The service is for people living with MND, carers, family members, Health and Social Care Professionals and Association staff and volunteers who directly support people with MND. Contact 08457 626 262 from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

The Muscular Dystrophy Campaign

Leads the fight against muscle disease.

  • Website:
  • Address : Muscular Dystrophy Campaign, 61 Southwark Street, London SE1 0HL
  • Telephone: 020 7803 4800
  • Email:
  • Notes: Phone and email information service is here weekdays 9am - 5pm to address concerns about muscle disease. Contact freephone support number 0800 652 6352 and via email.

MS Society (Multiple Sclerosis Society)

The UK's largest charity for people affected by multiple sclerosis (MS) – c. 100,000 people in the UK.

  • Website:
  • Address: MS Society, MS National Centre, 372 Edgware Road, London, NW2 6ND
  • Telephone: 020 8438 0700
  • Fax: 020 8438 0701
  • Notes: Email contact available via the website.

The National Autistic Society

To champion the rights and interests of all people with autism. It aims to provide individuals with autism and their families with help, support and services that they can access, trust and rely upon.

  • Website:
  • Address : The National Autistic Society, 393 City Road, London, EC1V 1NG, UK
  • Minicom: 0845 070 4003
  • Telephone: 0845 070 4004
  • Fax: +44 (0)20 7833 9666
  • Email:
  • Notes: Helpline open 10am - 4pm Monday to Friday. Reply to all email and written enquiries within 14 working days.

RNIB (Royal National Institute of Blind People)

A UK charity offering information, support and advice to over two million people in the UK with sight loss.

  • Website:
  • Address: Royal National Institute of Blind People, 105 Judd Street, London WC1H 9NE
  • Telephone: 020 7388 1266
  • Fax: 020 7388 2034
  • Email:
  • Notes: The helpline (0303 123 9999) offers an immediate, expert and confidential service. Many of the helpline staff have sight problems themselves. They are trained to listen and to give reassurance and advice.

RNID (Royal National Institute for Deaf People)

The largest charity working to change the world for the UK's 9 million deaf and hard of hearing people.

  • Website:
  • Address: 19-23 Featherstone Street, London EC1Y 8SL
  • Telephone: 0808 808 0123 (freephone)
  • Textphone: 0808 808 9000 (freephone)
  • Fax: 020 7296 8199
  • SMS: 07800 000360
  • Email:
  • Notes: Whichever way you make contact, please include your full postal address as information is often only sent via the postal service. Expect a response within 15 working days for all enquiries.


Samaritans provides confidential non-judgemental emotional support, 24 hours a day for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which could lead to suicide. Whatever you're going through, whether it's big or small, don't bottle it up.

  • Website:
  • Address : Chris, P.O. Box 90 90, Stirling, FK8 2SA
  • Telephone: 08457 90 90 90
  • Email:
  • Notes: Emails are always answered by real human volunteers, there are no "automatic" responses. We try our hardest to get back to you within 24 hours. If you need immediate support, you can telephone at any point and speak to a Samaritans volunteer.


About cerebral palsy – for disabled people achieving equality.

  • Website:
  • Address : Scope, 6 Market Road, London, N7 9PW, England, UK
  • Telephone: 0808 800 3333
  • SMS: 80039
  • Email:
  • Notes: For more information on Scope's services, cerebral palsy, or any aspect of living with disability, Scope Response offers confidential advice and information on 0808 800 3333 (9am-5pm weekdays, closed weekends and Bank Holidays). You can also email or text SCOPE, plus your message to 80039.

I've made a lot of friends through STAART. I credit the group and Melanie for how well I've managed to juggle study, life, care responsibilities and work. I couldn't have got through it without them.

- Zoe Robinson, BSc Human Nutrition

STAART is one of the main reasons I came to the university, and one of the biggest driving factors that kept me going.

- Bradley Cory, BSc Biology

Having STAART during my degree was an immense support. It was like having cheerleaders all the way to the finish line. With every struggle, there was always someone there to give me support or listen to me.

- João Martins, BSc Psychology with Counselling

STAART has been integral to my experience as a disabled student. It has given me the confidence and the opportunity to do things I would have never imagined possible two years ago.

- Rebecca Cordina, BSc Biology (Extended)

This is what I'm destined for

Following a stroke at the age of 16, Bradley's interest in biology has continued to grow. He is now pursuing a PhD in the biology of wound healing.