If you would like to use a technology which is not listed please contact the IT Service Desk for advice before proceeding.
Teaching and Learning Digital Resources
All our approved Teaching and Learning tools listed by theme and divided into essential, supported and not supported tiers.
Essential Tools
These tools are routinely used by all teaching staff, with a wide range of support available to help staff and students use them effectively.

Moodle and Turnitin
Moodle is the university's online Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) where you can manage your course resources, assignments, feedback, Panopto recordings and more. Moodle can be accessed via the Learning Support tab in the Portal and via our Mobile App.

Panopto allows audio and visual material, presentation slides and visualised documents to be recorded and published online in an automated process that has minimal impact on the presenter

Staff Portal
The Portal provides a single point of access to a range of online information and services provided by the University. Manage course material in Moodle, access Student Records, Extenuating Circumstances, and much more.

Banner is our core Student Records system, manages records for all of our students and is accessed in two ways. Banner Admin is used primarily by support staff, while BannerWeb is used by all staff.

Learn more about how to use the interactive presentation software in any face to face or online teaching and training sessions and become an Empowered Presenter

EvaSys is a market-leading suite of automation software for surveys. It combines all aspects of the evaluation process from designing the questionnaires, electronic data collection and reporting.
Allowed and Supported Tools
These tools have been approved for use within the university and have an internal help and support model in place to assist staff with further adoption.

Microsoft 365
Access Microsoft Office apps including Outlook, Word, Excel and Teams on your university or personal device and work from anywhere.

LinkedIn Learning
Staff and students have unlimited access to thousands of expert-led courses via LinkedIn Learning.

Feedback Tools
Tools which allow students to provide, or provide students with, feedback around areas such as assessment, modules or the student experience.

Referencing Tools
Approved tools to support Referencing.

Administration, Curriculum Design and Support Systems
Approved tools to support administration, curriculum design and academic delivery.

e-Portfolio and Blogs
Approved tools for managing e-portfolios and Greenwich Blogs.
Allowed but Not Supported Tools
These tools are approved for use within the university but do not have internal help or support in place. Staff may need to register for personal product licenses, and support materials are often available from external sources. Essential or allowed tools should be used in preference to unsupported tools whenever possible.
Allowed but Not Supported Tools
Our allowed but not supported tools are approved for use within the university but do not have internal levels of help or support in place. Essential or allowed tools should be used in preference to unsupported tools.