
Get Involved

Find out how you can get involved with sustainability at the University of Greenwich.

There are a number of ways that you can get involved with sustainability at the University of Greenwich. Whether you can commit to weekly volunteering or just a one-off event, we welcome everyone to come #MakeTheirChange.

Our Eco Ambassadors Programme is made up of UoG students who are passionate in sustainability and want to develop skills in communications, project management and teamwork. Eco-Ambassadors will join staff members and assist them in different sustainability projects as their volunteering experience. Students will be supporting staff in managing social media platforms, clothes swap events or work in our Edible Garden.

Please see the volunteer opportunities below for more information:

Edible Garden Volunteer

The Edible Garden Volunteer will actively participate in the maintenance, cultivation, and support of our edible garden. This role is essential for creating a welcoming and sustainable green space that benefits students, staff and our wider community, promotes environmental awareness and fosters a sense of wellbeing.  See here for more information around the garden.

Read the full job description here.

Clothes Swap Volunteer

The Clothes Swap Volunteer will play a vital role in the planning and execution of our clothes swap events, aimed at promoting sustainable fashion practices, reducing clothing waste and fostering a circular economy within the university. This volunteer will assist in organising, setting up, and managing the event to ensure it runs smoothly.

Read the full job description here.

Content Creator Volunteer

The Content Creator Volunteer will play a crucial role in helping the Sustainable Development Unit communicate its mission to a wider audience. This volunteer will be responsible for creating engaging and informative content across various platforms to raise awareness about sustainability, engage our staff and students with sustainable initiatives and to support the University in meeting its sustainable commitments.

Read the full job description here.

GREen Rewards

Get involved in sustainability by downloading the 'GREen Rewards' App where you can record your sustainable actions – like travelling sustainably, reporting your recycling and shopping responsibly – and earn Green Points. The top three point-earning staff and students can win a £75 voucher (1st place), a £50 voucher (2nd place) and a £35 voucher (3rd place) each month.

Join online here.

Living Labs

A Living Lab offers real life research opportunities to students and staff at the university to help progress sustainable development and tackle real-world sustainability challenges. Living Labs bring together knowledge of academics, students and external stakeholders to collaborate on projects and create transformational solutions. Past living lab projects have included:

Read more about Living Labs here.

News and events

Find out what has been going on recently around the University.