Learning and teaching

Greenwich Graduate

The Greenwich Graduate Initiative

Introduced in 2010, this initiative articulates the attributes and behaviours we expect our graduates to develop whilst they are studying at the university, preparing them for their future careers. It comprises three elements that are unique to the University of Greenwich: Scholarship and Autonomy, Creativity and Enterprise, and Cross-Cultural and International Awareness. The initiative forms the backbone of the 2012 Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy; Maximising Achievement: The Transformation of Learning, Teaching and Assessment, and informs curriculum development, programme review and delivery, and employability. Opportunities to help students develop the attributes are provided by every programme and Faculty, and by the Students' Union.

In addition, the Greenwich Graduate Student Network works with students and staff running workshops on request and developing resources.

Follow the network on twitter  #GreenwichGrad 

Greenwich Learning and Teaching support the network and offers staff programme development workshops. Further information and guidance is provided below.

The Greenwich Graduate Vision:

Further reading

  • The Greenwich Graduate – Engaging With Students in Compass: The Journal of Learning and Teaching Vol 4 (2012)
  • The Greenwich Graduate Initiative – An Interview With Professor Simon Jarvis in Compass: The Journal of Learning and Teaching Vol 4 (2012)