Learning and teaching

Personal tutoring guidance

Learn more about the key guidance and documents including expectations set out in the Personal Tutoring Policy and blueprint.

Personal Tutoring Guidance and Key Documents

Strategic oversight for personal tutoring is provided in each Faculty by the Director of Student Experience (DSE). All personal tutors should ensure they are aware of how personal tutoring arrangements operate locally in their own department/area, as there may be some local variation across faculties. However, all faculties are guided by the following documents, which all personal tutors should read and be familiar with:

The policy on personal tutoring is clear about the university's commitment to valuing, resourcing and supporting this important aspect of our work, and of the student experience. The policy sets out:

  • The entitlements, roles and responsibilities of personal tutors and of students as tutees;
  • the responsibilities of the university in supporting and resourcing personal tutoring;
  • how to ensure consistency in practice and quality of provision for students across the university through setting the threshold of delivery and a definition of the remit of personal tutoring, with appropriate recognition of curriculum and student journey diversity;
  • embedding personal tutoring as essential to student engagement, progression and achievement;
  • establishing personal tutoring as one of the key relationships of partnership, essential to students' co-production of their learning.

The Personal Tutoring Blueprint document is intended as a resource and guide for Personal Tutors across the university. It is intended to be used as a roadmap with indicative/suggested topics to cover during tutorials. It should be used in conjunction with the Personal Tutoring Policy to help all tutors deliver the level of personal tutoring that all Greenwich students need and expect.

The policy and blueprint underpin all personal tutoring activity at the university. In addition to these key documents, each faculty uses Learning Analytics and the Personal Tutor Management System (PTMS) to facilitate smooth operationalisation and delivery of the personal tutor policy and blueprint.

You can find out more about Learning Analytics at Greenwich here and access the Learning Analytics policy here.

There may be some local variation across faculties as to how these are used. All personal tutors will be advised by faculty DSEs (or their designate) regarding how these tools are specifically deployed at a local level.